Inside the Mind of Isadora

A Grand New Year


New Year 2014-2.WEB         “A Grand New Year”                                                               © photography by Isadora

Super Belated Happy New Year Wishes 2014 to all of my faithful blog followers and friends – May your coming year be filled with all the treasures your heart can hold. For blessings are many and those we are given should bring immense peace to our souls and smiles to our faces.

I’ve been gone for some time due to the holidays and to a problematic incident that occurred with my blog.

Visiting and enjoying family and friends during the holidays was grand. There is no gift greater than spending time with those who are dear to us. I am grateful for these treasures. No amount of money can purchase this type of love.

Because of my absence, a great many blog posts from my favorite bloggers were missed by me.  I hope to catch up with as many as I can. I can honestly say that I probably won’t be as diligent I had been as in the past.

My goal for 2014 is to take a step back from all of the electronics and have people to people time; physically touching those who mean so much to me. It will be difficult since so many of your posts have become the addiction that goes along with my morning coffee.

During my absence, my email box overflowed with notifications. Curiously, I opened one e-mail that was new to me.

You know what they say about curiosity killing the cat.

In the e mail there was a request to use one of my posts. Throughout my blogging time, I have generously given permission to many to reblog or use my written words or photos.

In the request from this particular person,

     –   who shall remain nameless; although, I could have exposed him/her but stardom for that person will not come from my blog  –

there was something about it that felt unnerving. I chose to decline interest in he/she’s request. The intensity of the following e mail demanding an immediate answer chilled me. I couldn’t understand the belligerence. When I responded that I felt threatened the attitude of this person continued to be demanding and aggressive causing a frightened tension in me. The final e mail to me stated that ….

“I was evil and that my e mail address would be deleted from his/her carrier. A blocked warning against me would be issued if I attempted to contact him/her.”

I have no idea if this person exists. They are as they have no blog. I have no idea if they are a person as their gravatar is a cartoon. But, most importantly, why was he/she so hostel and demanding about a post?

Yes … this knocked me over for many reasons.

  1. I would have been happy to discuss this with he/she if I had had a telephone number. The e mails insisted I call but there wasn’t a telephone number.
  2. I had just started to hit firm ground from all of the holiday busy-ness so blogging was way down on my to-do list.
  3. My snail mail and my email were stacked as high as a mountain leaving me no choice but to prioritize, especially, since I do still have a business that requires my attention.
  4. Most importantly, I wasn’t ready to get back in the game yet. My blog was an enjoyable learning and giving place. I needed a little time to gather my thoughts so I could begin writing again.
  5. Most importantly, hostility and aggressive behavior paralyzes to me. Fear steps in and I no longer feel safe.

I’ve never thought of myself as harsh or ill tempered. I was raised in an abusive environment so I steer clear of aggressive people or situations.

I’m not cowardly. Rather, I’m non-confrontational.

I believe that more can be gained with honey that with venom.

I strove to develop a blog that was filled with all of the corners of my mind. The posts were there to express – the me I am – in all of my many personas. There was always a common denominator in all: love.

I love everyone until they hurt me. I’m an innocent bay open to all who wish to come and play in my world of love. It felt odd to be called evil. No one had ever said that to me. I’ve never had a falling out with anyone. I would rather discuss an issue and be open to another’s opinion or ideals.

I’ve been in the business world for 28 years. It isn’t a pony ride. It’s a brutal bronco ride all the way. You have to be tough. You have to stand up to lots of testosterone. But, I never felt there was disrespect.

I hope this person if it is a real person finds comfort in my words. I wish no ill will. I know I am of a kind spirit and will continue to be.

What will become of my blog?

From legal advice, I was told to delete my posts. I’m recreating my blog. I am an artist so the artist mind never rests. I hope it will be something you’ll enjoy as much as my past posts. Or, I may do it all over again the same exact way. Right now, I can’t see that far ahead.

My WordPress stats were grim. Although I don’t follow stats, I jumped in for a quick visit and was knocked out. Two knockout blows in a row. I was hanging on to keep from falling off my chair.

  1. My hits for the year 2013 were ½ as many as the year before.
  2. The most read posts were from 2012 – 20,000 as opposed to 10,000 in 2013.
  3. The work I had put into the posts was over-the-top in my humble opinion. I researched like a college student getting his thesis ready each time I posted.
  4. The comments were extremely down, too.
  5. I strove to make my blog better and, yet, it was worse.

The helpful hints that went along with the stats brought a puckered smile to my face. Their suggestions for more followers and post comments were the things I had been doing all year.

  1. Visit other blogs and comment   – check
  2. Reblog posts from other bloggers – check
  3. Participate in challenges  – check
  4. Seek new blogs – check
  5. Follow blogs that are of the same interest as yours  – check

So, I need to analyze it all and figure out what direction is best for me. I want to develop a following for when I release the books I have in draft form. With more hard work I hoped to improve my blog and, hopefully, stay ahead of the bullies that decide to chase me.

It will be a busy year for Copper Whimsea’s by Al and Isadora Art Jewelry. I will have to spend a bit more time tidying up those web-sites, creating new ones in order to expand into the technological world; leaving behind the art show world I have been marketing the artwork in.

In the meantime, my blogs will be back soon. Be sure to pop in from time to time to see how it will to go.

         Happy New Year Blessings to All …


Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

31 thoughts on “A Grand New Year

  1. Happy New Year and sorry to hear that you were unnerved by a strange and rude anonymous person (or maybe not a person?) Stay strong and confident in yourself. It sounds like you have many friends online and in your life!


  2. Hi Isadora, just happened to stop by and read of your strange – and unkind – email incident. Sorry to hear about that.
    i had a very strange email incident last year, too, although not nearly as personal as this sounded. it happend while i was on a vacation. i was upset initially, and and then i decided not to allow anyone to ruin my time while i was still away travelling, and i determined that going forward i was going to be even more vigilant than ever about which emails i open. some of them are sent electronically, and if they are simply deleted, and not responded to, they are out of sight and out of mind. that is how i am going about it now.
    i also changed my email address once i got home. while it was a lot of time spent initially to let all my contacts know, it actually made me feel better.
    while i can only imagine how upsetting this must have been, i hope you are able to believe that just because somebody says something mean or insulting, doesn’t make it so. hope that you can reject the bad and shake this off in good time and continue sharing your creativity and artwork on the blog as you are inspired to do so. once you do feel up to it again, you will help make sure that the bad guys don’t win. but absolutely no pressure.
    regarding the stats, i think Gilly is right. the numbers for 2013 are down at my end too, although the amount of likes don’t seem to be any different than previously. i think the reader option allows people to see and like your post without actually becoming part of the actual visitors count.
    anyhow, Isadora, do take care. despite what happened, i do wish you all the very best for 2014. may you run into unexpected blessings, and may you be surprised, by the time December 31 rolls around, what an incredible year it has turned out to be!


    • I appreciate your insightful words and your encouragement. All of the comments left here on this post have been comforting and energizing. They have spurred me on to keep doing what I do. There have been many, many wonderful blog people who have followed my posts and who have enjoyed them as well as them being extremely kind. It seems like a disservice to them to allow someone to take that away. I’ve never been a quitter but, I have to admit, this was very creepy. I suppose it’s the reason I became negative about it all.
      My hope is to continue to focus on those who are faithful followers and ignore any future irrational communications from the hateful ones.
      Thank you for your support and for always leaving your lovely comments.
      Happy New Year 2014 – May it be filled with all the love your heart can hold. xo


  3. Scary email – there are some very spooky people out there.

    My stats have dropped too, but as I check in on so many of the bloggers who I have ‘met’ over the years, I realize that many of them have quit blogging. If I wanted to increase my stats, I really would have to go out and find some new blog readers!


    • Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that the WWW is made up of all types of people
      and some may not be very nice.
      Fortunately, I’ve connected on the WWW with so many wonderful blog friends – like you – that make it
      all worth continuing. Thanks for your support and comments on your visits.


  4. I am so sorry to hear of the problems you have had. I enjoy reading your posts. I don’t look at my stats because I just like people to see my photos. I know if I looked at my them I would be influenced by them. Do what is best for you and I will continue to be here to enjoy your writings and photos whenever you post them. I don’t always comment but I read everything.



    • I’ve missed blogging and writing. It has always been a fun way to connect with many people in areas I would never be able
      to visit. I’ve learned a great many things from all of my blog friends. Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that
      the WWW is made up of all types of people and a few may not be very nice. It’s been a blessing to have found many wonderful
      ones – like you – who have taken me on many voyages and adventures both visually and emotionally. I can’t imagine not blogging
      as it seems that despite my desires to discontinue they are overridden by my desire to visit dear friends.
      Thank you for always being so very supportive. I hope 2014 is filled with all of the joys and love your heart can hold.


  5. Sorry to hear why you haven’t been around that much Issy. I can’t believe that someone can do that to you! It’s evil! Just don’t allow anyone to use any of your writings or photo’s anymore. Wishing you a wonderful 2014 hon. Keep on doing what you are doing and never mind the evil ones. They will work themselves out.
    Take care. 😀 *hugs*


    • I’ve missed blogging and writing. It has always been a fun way to connect with many people in areas I would never be able
      to visit. I’ve learned a great many things from all of my blog friends. Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that
      the WWW is made up of all types of people and a few may not be very nice. It’s been a blessing to have found many wonderful
      ones – like you – who have taken me on many voyages and adventures both visually and emotionally. I can’t imagine not blogging
      as it seems that despite my desires to discontinue they are overridden by my desire to visit dear friends.
      Thank you for always being so very supportive. I hope 2014 is filled with all of the joys and love your heart can hold.


      • Same here Issy and it sure is lovely to connect with loving and dear blog friends like you and it’s true, we learn so much for each other. It is a huge blessing indeed and I am grateful for you too hon. Thanks for the lovely compliment and I am blessed to have found you too. 😀

        Yes, unfortunately there are some that lurks around to try and spoil what we have and in a way I feel sorry for them because they will never have what we have but we should not allow them to walk over us and spoil it.

        As I am not social, my little family, my photography and dear blogfriends like you are my only outings and without it I would be lost so please continue. I love your photography and beautiful and inspiring posts. Thank you for your support as well hon and wishing you and your hubby the same. 😀

        *big hugs*


  6. Sorry to read what you’ve been going through, Issy. I, too have been re~assessing my blog lately too. And I have also decided that I’d like to see more of family and friends, rather than being isolated, as I was last year. I enjoyed the solitude but I feel that 2014 is the right time to com out and play:) Happy New Year ~ looking forward to reading your new blog! 🙂


    • I’ve missed blogging and writing. It has always been a fun way to connect with many people in areas I would never be able
      to visit. I’ve learned a great many things from all of my blog friends. Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that
      the WWW is made up of all types of people and a few may not be very nice. It’s been a blessing to have found many wonderful
      ones – like you – who have taken me on many voyages and adventures both visually and emotionally. I can’t imagine not blogging
      as it seems that despite my desires to discontinue they are overridden by my desire to visit dear friends.
      Thank you for always being so very supportive. I hope 2014 is filled with all of the joys and love your heart can hold.


  7. Very sorry to hear about your blogging problem, Isadora. I had a problem with a couple of nasty commenters last year which un-nerved me for a while. Other followers were very supportive and urged me to carry on regardless – which I decided to do.

    I applause your plans to step away from the virtual world to connect with the real world more often. We would all do well to do that.

    Just carry on being wonderful you 🙂


    • I’ve missed blogging and writing. It has always been a fun way to connect with many people in areas I would never be able
      to visit. I’ve learned a great many things from all of my blog friends. Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that
      the WWW is made up of all types of people and a few may not be very nice. It’s been a blessing to have found many wonderful
      ones – like you – who have taken me on many voyages and adventures both visually and emotionally. I can’t imagine not blogging
      as it seems that despite my desires to discontinue they are overridden by my desire to visit dear friends.
      Thank you for always being so very supportive. I hope 2014 is filled with all of the joys and love your heart can hold.


  8. I’ve missed you dear and I’m really sorry to hear the reason you haven’t been around. There are some hideous people in this world, what bizarre behaviour. Incidently although my followers keep climbing up I had far less visitors to my blog on 2013 that 2012. Like you I visit, comment etc on loads of peoples sites – I love it, there is so much to enjoy and learn. Like you it isn’t totally about stats but it does seem very odd. I asked the WP people and had the same reply that you did. I believe it changed when they changed the reader thing so that you can look at, say a photo and even click like without opening the blog.
    Issy I wish you and your husband a very happy and prosperous 2014 with lots of real people connections, love and light Gilly.


    • I’ve missed blogging and writing. It has always been a fun way to connect with many people in areas I would never be able
      to visit. I’ve learned a great many things from all of my blog friends. Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that
      the WWW is made up of all types of people and a few may not be very nice. It’s been a blessing to have found many wonderful
      ones – like you – who have taken me on many voyages and adventures both visually and emotionally. I can’t imagine not blogging
      as it seems that despite my desires to discontinue they are overridden by my desire to visit dear friends.
      Thank you for always being so very supportive. I hope 2014 is filled with all of the joys and love your heart can hold.


  9. Hope you’ll be back soon, Isadora! Thank you for sharing so much for your wonderful posts and eloquent writings! That incident is weird… ~Amy


    • Yes it was quite weird Amy to receive that type of e mail. It’s the wild world of the web.
      I hadn’t quite connected those WWW dots. I appreciate your kind words and comments
      whenever you visit. Blog friends like you help me to forge forward in these dark waters.
      Best to you in this coming year 2014.


  10. Hi Isadora! Belated happy new year to you too. Sorry to hear about that strange email. Though I don’t know you personally, I can sense that you are a good person – kind, caring and thoughtful. I thought I should let you know. God bless you!


  11. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the holidays and am so sorry about your scary incident over a post. All the best, Lisa


    • Sometimes, we need to have a wake up call to remind us that the WWW is made up of all types of people.
      Fortunately, I’ve connected on the WWW with so many wonderful blog friends – like you – that it is
      all worth continuing. Thanks for your support and comments on your visits.


  12. Happy belated New Year… 🙂


  13. Hi, Wishing you a great year ahead, Stay blessed 🙂


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