Inside the Mind of Isadora

An Inspiring Morning – Enchanting Spring


Flying Egret I.web‘On My Way’ – White Egret ©photography by Isadora
An Inspirational Morning – Enchanting Spring

It was a hazy misty morning when I went out to my lanai this early morning. The temperature was warm. I had gone outside to observe the vast nature that is my backyard before attempting my Tai Chi meditative exercises. I had been unable to do them outside because our temperatures have been a bit chilly. Our cold temperatures in Southern Florida during winter are the 60’s during the day and 40’s in the morning and at night. Now, we’re experiencing temperatures in the mid 70’s in the morning. Because of the warmer weather a great many birds returning from further south.

The break of day showcased a bald eagle majestically flying overhead. A white egret is wading in the water enjoying small fish. The bird feeders I’ve strategically placed on my spring blossoming orchid tree are starting to attract red cardinals, hummingbirds and scrub jays. I can hear tiny chirping from baby birds in the holly berry bush I planted a few years ago. They’re waiting for their daily feeding. It’s a view and sounds that never disappoint.

As the sun breaks through the midst, the water creates a shimmer on the lake. It’s hypnotically mesmerizing. It’s a tranquil peaceful place. It’s a time of quiet contemplation before the day ahead. I’m looking at my orchids that are still in bloom while others are forming buds for future blooms. Nature is slowly awakening with all of its’ beauty. I’m enraptured by the many blessings I have.

Today stretches before me waiting to be shaped into the creation I choose to sculpt deciding what shape and form it will be. It will be as unique as me. It is all up to me. I am going to make it a GREAT day. I hope you will, too, unless you have other plans.

Spring is truly in the air.

How do you Nurture Yourself at the break of day?

copyright2014©written by Isadora

Egret on Lake bank.webMorning Snack ©photography by Isadora

***** This morning I had my camera ready to snap anything that might be interesting. These are a few of the photos I was able to take. Paradise is in my own backyard.


Want More Nurturing???

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

29 thoughts on “An Inspiring Morning – Enchanting Spring

  1. the first picture is super cool 🙂


  2. ‘On My Way’ = a wonderful title to express the spirit of your White Egret, Issy!


  3. Lovely post and egret photo.


  4. Pingback: Nurturing Thursday: Dance With Spring | Light Words

  5. Pingback: Nurturing Thurs – Forgiveness | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  6. Fabulous pics, Issy. Yes, your backyard is a real paradise. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. xx


  7. I never once complained about winter…until now. This one has been brutal and I am actually looking forward to not being cold all the time. Your post just made me feel the pull all the more. Remind of this when it’s hot and I’m complaining about that.;)


    • YAY …. your glorious face and comments appear once again.
      I believe your experiencing the horrors of aging. The aching
      bones that can’t stand the cold. I used to spend my days in
      New York huddled around our cast iron stove. My weary bones
      tanked me the minute I started living in a warm/HOT climate. YUP ..
      it’s so damn HOT in summer that your bare feet can peel. BUT … somehow
      I can tolerate that a lot more than the icicles on my windows.
      Glad your back. I’ll be bouncing over.
      Toodles ..
      Izzy xo


  8. Ah, heavenly setting Izzy. When I get up I let Quincy out, feed him, get myself a cup of tea, and head to my favorite chair to read for about an hour. Then I make myself breakfast, all before my hubby wakes. I love the quiet of the morning. Hugs, Margie


  9. Tai Chi and all this…what a wonderful way to start your day Izzy


    • You really don’t feel like your exercising hen you do Tai Chi. It’s relaxing and there is very little strain on the joints. I was happy to discover it with my bad knees and all. Give it a try. You may find it’s a pleasant way to start or end your day.
      ~~~ : – ) Namaste …


  10. Cool!


  11. I so enjoy Tai Chi — I took lessons for a short while – but the instructor passed away suddenly, and I have yet to find another. Videos just “don’t cut it” for learning. This sounds like a serene way to begin each day! Thank you for sharing! Namaste ~~


    • Aahhh … Tai Chi as you know is a flow of energy. It’s te best exercise. It pus little strain on the joint. I will post something on it. Try to find a Teacher but remember that the teacher has to have aura of calm. Tai Chi is about being quiet. Tai Chi Dance is another form that is about focusing on the music. Hope you find a teacher and continue your journey.
      Namaste …


  12. Well written. May peace be with you 🙂


  13. This is a beautiful post…. I love the beauty and joy of spring expressed and the photos too


  14. What a lovely way to start the day. I’m a little envious. 😉 Your photos and wonderful description bring it all alive.


    • AAaahhh .. the years with the young ones will pass and, then, life begins. For a period of time, we focus on the children who will eventually find their way to other corners of the world.Then, you begin to flourish and grow into the beautiful butterfly that’s been waiting to emerge and be.
      In time you will be where you need to be.
      Namaste ….


  15. You do Tai Chi, how cool, Namaste! Yep, spring is in the air 🙂


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