Inside the Mind of Isadora




COMING THIS APRIL! — official date TBA


100 NIGHTMARES by K.Z. Morano is a collection of horror stories written in exactly 100 words and accompanied by a few illustrations.

It takes a brief encounter with death to cause enduring nightmares.
A single well-placed blow could maim you for life…
One well-placed word could haunt you forever.

Micro-fiction is a blade—sharp, swift…

Sometimes it goes for the jugular, killing you in seconds.
Its silver tongue touches your throat and warm blood hisses before you can scream.

Sometimes, the knife makes micro-cuts in the sensitive sheath of your sanity, creating wounds that will fester throughout eternity.

Take my 100 words daily like a slow-acting poison or read them all and die of overdose.

Your call.

It’s your suicide after all.

The Author
K.Z. Morano is an eclectic eccentric… a writer, a beach bum and a chocolate addict who writes anything from romance and erotica to horror, fantasy, sci-fi and bizarro fiction. Over the past few months, her stories have appeared in various anthologies, magazines and online venues.

Visit her at
where she posts short fiction and photographs weekly.

For more updates on the story collection like K.Z.’s Facebook page

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

12 thoughts on “100 NIGHTMARES – COVER REVEAL!

  1. Pingback: Thank you, Isadora! | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  2. Looks like something I would not read alone at night, although I love a good fright night if it is written well. Thanks for sharing Isadora.


  3. thank you so much for featuring my book on your blog 🙂 i really appreciate the support 🙂


  4. Oh Issy now I’ve seen the cover I’m shivering, but I guess that’s what’s meant to happen 🙂


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