Inside the Mind of Isadora

Friday Fictioneers – Muse of You


Humming, ‘Windmills of Your Mind’ ,
Hans Vansbo stood back to view the geometric precision of his latest creation.

Round like a circle in a spiral. Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning wheel …

“Paragon,” he whispered to himself.

“Clearly Hans, this song from your broken relationship has influenced you more then it should.”

“I don’t have time to examine your implications”, retorted Hans.

“But will it sell?”, chimed his dealer. “You need a buyer”.

“It did sell.”

“The curator for the Sven Gallery called. It’s been purchased to be exhibited in their garden.”

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100
Photo Prompt: ©Jennifer Pendergast

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge
click here or the froggy button above

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

30 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Muse of You

  1. You pulled that together really well. so did the sculptor, come to think of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. On of my favourite songs and the original version is best. Great take on the prompt, very creative

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the perspective of the creator, and the thinking is so well expressed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, very clever, Issy. I love that song, but have Johnny Mathis singing it on my iPod. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m pleased you liked the song I wove into the story, Sylvia. There are a great many singers of this song. I chose the video based on the images because I wanted circles like the photo prompt. The original version from a Thomas Crown Affair is my favorite.
      Issy 😎


  5. i read your story and remember carrie fisher saying, “take your broken heart, make it into art.” well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Querida Isadora,

    Pain is often the basis for creativity, isn’t it? I can think of a few artists, poets and authors who would agree. This song will keep going through my head although I prefer the Noel Harrison version from the first Thomas Crown Affair with Steve McQueen.
    Bien escrito, mi amiga,



    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Rochelle,

      I’m with you on the original version. I like that one. I chose the Dusty Springfield one based on the images in the video. There were a great many circles like the photo prompt. I never tire of great music. : )
      Yes, artisits live with many emotions. As a former working artist and, now, working with my hubby on his copper artwork I find that emotions influence us greatly in our creativity. It’s the same with writing. The greater the emotions imparted the more the reader is brought in. Your book “Please Say Kaddish For Me” by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Tears … Tears … Tears – Get your copy here:

      Ahhh … I digress.

      Gracias, mi amiga. Su libro es tan bueno. : – )
      Con Carino,
      Isadora 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Art inspired by life, infused with its pleasures and pains, is often attractive to others. Go Hans. Hopefully, successful sell is a glimpse of the relationships to come…

    Liked by 1 person

    • The pain of love lost or love lived is often the muse of an artist. I recently went to an exhibit of the artwork of Frida Kahlo at the Dali Museum here in Florida. I must confess it influenced my thoughts this week. Thank you for your wonderful comment.
      Isadora 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great take on the prompt, and I love that song!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love the link from your story to the song… Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hans has a very creative gift! It looks like there is a 4 leaf clover inside the wheel. Great story, Isadora!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Great way to take the prompt. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It never ceases to amaze me what some people will spend money on, in the name of art. Great story Isadora!

    Liked by 1 person

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