Inside the Mind of Isadora

The 3 Day Quote Challenge – Day 3


Nothing is worth more than this day. 

©Johann Wolfgang von Gotthe

In this challenge, we’re told to write a quote and explain why we like it.

I like this quote because it reminds us that we should be present in our day.

Nothing is more important than to be in the now of the day.

Simple quote with a powerful message for us.

2018©Isadora DeLaVega



The rules of the challenge are simple:

Thank the person you chose you,

Post a quote for three consecutive days

Say why you like your quotes

Invite three blogging friends to join in

Thank you, sweet Gilly, for nominating me for the challenge.

Be sure to visit her blog Lucid Gypsy. It’s as unique as her.

I’d like to nominate:  since it’s the 3rd and last day for the quote challenge and there are many,

 I’d like to alter the nominations by inviting anyone who desires to be a part of the quote challenge

to join in.

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

5 thoughts on “The 3 Day Quote Challenge – Day 3

  1. Yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s mystery, just enjoy today.
    Lovely quote Issy and the photo is a stunner. I’m glad you liked this challenge as much as I did, I chose well with you. Have a lovely weekend my dear 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The photo is of the ocean off the coast of St. Thomas. We had just been on a tour.
      We were walking back to the cruise ship when I decided to snap one more pix.
      It turns out that it was the best one. I guess the less you fuss before you take a photo
      the better it turns out. Thanks, again …
      Isadora 😎


  2. This is so true! Today is the present and is a gift! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here. Great quote, Issy!!

    Liked by 1 person

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