Inside the Mind of Isadora

Friday Fictioneers – The Ashes


WARNING: You may not see my comments on your stories from me. WP still hasn’t resolved my inability to leave comments or I have been punished and sent to the SPAM room. 😀  If you see a ‘Like’ from me it says I’ve enjoyed your story. Have a wonderful weekend 😎


The funeral service at Saint Lucy’s was exactly the way Grammy wanted. Father Karvalis spoke benevolently about her life. Poppy sat silently. Tears flowed as Father spoke of her.

A short month later, Poppy joined his beloved. We knew he would. She was his life. 

Cremated, both of their ashes sat on the mantle in handcrafted jars they purchased years earlier. 

The will stated I inherited the house. As a travel writer, I left the States. An estate agency auctioned the contents.

To my surprise, a coroner called soon after the auction. It seems someone purchased their ashes at Goodwill. 

2024©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©DaleRogerson

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

26 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Ashes

  1. My stomach lurches to read the ashes part. To leave all of those arrangements to a paid liquidator is imprudent at best 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can imagine the shock as the person told me the terrible tale of what had happened. I made up the beginning of the story. The items that didn’t sell at the auction were donated to Goodwill. The granddaughter should have been present for the auction. Life … and all it’s complexities. Thank you for your powerful comment. My feelings exactly. Have a good week … Izzy 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Querida Izzy,

    Tengo muchas preguntas. Why would you sell someone’s ashes? Unless the urns just got lost in the shuffle. And who would buy them? I guess the buyer thought they were pretty jars not expecting the added attraction. 😉 Bien escrita mi amiga.

    Shalom y abrazos,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Rochelle,
      My guess is that the estate sale was done by a professional company. The urns may have looked like decorative jars. All items not sold were donated to Goodwill. Me thinks, the granddaughter could have hung around a bit until after the auction. Sadly, this happens a lot. People left behind are thinking about the big picture (cash). I have so much artwork that it got me thinking about where would it go. The lesson here is that the item you treasure may be, not-so-special to the inheritors who want the quick cash. Death … a long journey we need to prepare for like childbirth. Thanks for the kind words. I think I could have written a better stroy with a few more words. LOL Gracias, mi amiga … Abaraozs y Carino, Izzy 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So sad that the travel writer was so thoughtless,… I also have moments when WordPress frustrates me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, their granddaughter should have been present for the auction or removed the urns from the home. I suppose the ashes weren’t something she wanted to have. I know you do have issues with WP. I’m assuming you’re Linda as the name annonymous has appeared. LOL my friend always say “You gotta laugh” when something frustrating comes up in life. Thanks for popping on by.
      Isadora 😎


  4. Such carelessness at the bereaved’s expense. Sadly, these things really do happen.


    • Yes, this is an incident that occured. It all comes down to being strong enough to have the ‘After Death’ conversation before your demise. The final personal requests in writing. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. You have a great week … Isadora 😎

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a subject no one wants to have but it’s important. Yet, when my husband’s brother died very suddenly, he had no will written up and no planned funeral arrangements. His wife and my husband together did what had to be done and his ashes are now home, buried next to his son’s ashes at a little meditation grotto in the backyard of his house.

        I think sometimes we fuss too much about the inevitables in life in an attempt to make details easier for the ones we leave behind.

        Thanks, Isadora.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I believe you’re right, Nancy. We worry about the things we treasure and hope that other’s will treasure them too. In Florida, the waiting cemetary room, elderly are abandoned with little or no family visits. I have friends who have experienced this emptiness. Sometimes,, I think they hope their things will give their loved ones fond memories of them. But, sadly, that’s not the case. My grandson passed at 24. His urn is on an alter my daughter created for him. As an advoacte for suicide, she was on a podcast recently talking about the ones left behind after they take their lives. Navigating the waters of death is difficult. A very intense subject for all of us to ponder. I do remember your bil unexpectedly passing. My deepest condolences to you and your family. 🤗

          Liked by 1 person

          • My sincere sympathies, Isadora. There are few things in life as unbearably painful as the death of our children or grandchildren. May your grandson rest in peace and your daughter find comfort.

            People say my BIL died a king’s death …. here one minute and gone the next with no pain or suffering. We who are left behind know in our rational minds that he is gone yet it all seems so unbelievable. I’m sure in Jim’s final seconds he didn’t think about not having a will or making funeral arrangements or how messy his basement was. In the end we ask ourselves “what does it all mean and why does it matter?”

            Peace, Isadora 🕊️


  5. Oh no! Auctioneers have no heart and no discernment, it seems.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah, Isadora, happens to me constantly, WordPress is such a pain. It seems different on every site, and on the same site one week it works, the other it doesn’t. Sigh..

    Anyway, what a story! How could she have the ashes of her grandparents auctioned off?


  7. Oh dear! Not a nice way to mark someone’s life. And I feel your pain re WordPress comments. I never knew there were so many different hoops that had to be jumped through before you could post your comment – different for every site. Duh!


    • Oddly, this did happen to a family. Personal property directives, such as the urn with the ashes, need to be stated in your will. If a member of a fmaily doesn’t want them: where do they go? As with all the personal items family members don’t want, they will probably go to thrift stores or resale shops. Something to think about. One man treasure is another mans rubbish, Thank you, Sandra. Yes, WP can be frustrating. I may consider deleting my blog. It’s becoming work to navigate. Have a lovely Sunday 🙏🏻


  8. as someone commented above, oops. I enjoyed where the prompt took you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for commenting. Sadly, this did happen to a family. Death has become complicated. Personal property directives need to be written in your last requests. 🤪 It loooks like your fur-child Fluffy needs to be wanted by someone who feels the same as you or off it goes to a thrift shop. Honestly, I know death isn’t a fluffy subject (no pun intended) but family left with your items don’t feel the same as you do. Life and all its’ complexities. Thanks, again, Isadora 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Very interesting ending


  10. Oh my! That was unexpected!


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