Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – The Ashes

WARNING: You may not see my comments on your stories from me. WP still hasn’t resolved my inability to leave comments or I have been punished and sent to the SPAM room. 😀  If you see a ‘Like’ from me it says I’ve enjoyed your story. Have a wonderful weekend 😎


The funeral service at Saint Lucy’s was exactly the way Grammy wanted. Father Karvalis spoke benevolently about her life. Poppy sat silently. Tears flowed as Father spoke of her.

A short month later, Poppy joined his beloved. We knew he would. She was his life. 

Cremated, both of their ashes sat on the mantle in handcrafted jars they purchased years earlier. 

The will stated I inherited the house. As a travel writer, I left the States. An estate agency auctioned the contents.

To my surprise, a coroner called soon after the auction. It seems someone purchased their ashes at Goodwill. 

2024©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©DaleRogerson

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