Inside the Mind of Isadora


Père’s Unfulfilled Wish

Brigitte exhaled as she came upon the Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne. 

Pensively she said, “Père would have been tearful. He carried painful memories of the war in his heart.” 

“Henri, why did you die before you could find peace?”

Mère had never spoken about those times, nor did Père 

After the funeral, I promised Mère I’d bring her here. Now, she’d find peace for both of them.

As I looked at the inside of this beautiful cathedral, it was difficult to imagine the terror they felt during the revolution. They survived because of this church.

Mère sat with closed eyes and prayed.

She never awoke. 

2021©Isadora DeLaVega

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***** Research led me to the information that Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne de Dijon was a cathedral built in 13th and 14th century France.