Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – The Glorious Gift

The morning sunrise was brilliant.

They ate breakfast on the patio.

A chess game in the garden was their plan for later that afternoon.

Suddenly, a cramp caused her body to flinch. 

The laborious suffering of childbirth had begun.

A beloved baby would be joining them soon.

Their lack of experience weighed heavy, draining their emotions. 

They felt anxious; yet, they’d been waiting months for this moment.

With tear filled eyes, she grasped his hand and flinched again.

The physical pain would soon reward them with a glorious gift.

A precious child filling their hearts with immeasurable happiness and love.

2018©Isadora DeLaVega


Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt: Jeff Arnold

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