Inside the Mind of Isadora


Undercover Flames


It was one of those unspeakable moments; the one you never want to happen. When eyes meet and sparks ignite.

Veronica was married; so was he. Yet, each time they were in a room together, flames stirred. She did her best to stay clear of wherever he was. But, it was impossible.

Their kids were in 2nd grade class together; the same activities. The possibility they’d often see each other was overwhelming.

He was approaching. Dark chocolate eyes glared at her.

She realized what she was about to feel.

Intense Passion.

Could she keep her composure?

She knew.

She must.

2016©Isadora De La Vega




Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100
Photo Prompt:©Jade M. Wong

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Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers