Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Dessert Mademoiselle

Chez Maisonette was her favorite special occasion french restaurant. 

Valentine’s Day was their first date there and, now again, a year later.

She primped choosing to wear red his favorite color.

It was a cool evening. The restaurant, a short walk from their apartment.


The champagne must have gone straight to her head. 

She laughed when he said, “I’m leaving you.”


“I’m done”.

“I need you,” she pleaded.

He patted her hand, “You’ll thrive, dear, you always do.”

He kissed her, handed the waiter cash and left.


Misty-eyed, she noticed the waiter was handsome.

“Dessert, Mademoiselle.”



2019©Isadora DeLaVega


Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt: ©J.H.Carroll

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