Inside the Mind of Isadora


Crimson Creative #289 – The Rendezvous

The phone rang.

She whispered, “Hello,”.

“Nereida, meet me at our usual spot at the beach by  the wooden bench.”


Memories rapidly flooded her mind. She remembered the first time they’d met. He was walking with a metal detector along the shore. She was photographing the hazy afternoon sky. He had glanced her way.  

“Do you always photograph people passing by?” he said.

“No, only the good-looking ones,” she teased.

Thus the beginning of what would turn out to be a whirlwind romance.

He’d found an antique timepiece that day. It would be her wedding gift.


“I’ll bring the Bordeaux,” he quickly added.

“I can’t wait”.


She hung up the phone and smiled.

“I wonder who that was”. 

2024©Isadora DeLaVega


Crimson Creative Challenge – #289

for rules and to join in click here

Genre: Flash Fiction

Photo Prompt: Crispina Kemp

Word Count: 119 words


Friday Fictioneers – Bound by Love

Mother’s gaze was always distant, as if she belonged to another world.  Her eyes shimmered, hinting at unshed tears, but she remained alone in her thoughts, tapping her foot in the solitude of her rocker.

The visiting nurse shared a poignant tale of my Father and Mother. They weren’t just a couple, but a single entity, bound by a love that transcended life itself. He read to her, by the gentle glow of the lamplight, until his final breathe. A secret language on every page read. 

For eternity, she will wait, her heart aching with the anticipation of their reunion.

2024©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Romance 

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©SusanRouchard

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here


Friday Fictioneers – Fading Flowers

“Let’s go to the mountains,” he said.

“You’re mad,” she said. It’s snowing. Plus, we might get snowed in.”

He loved spontaneity; she didn’t. 

 Come on! We’ll walk the trail, shiver, then run to the warm flames of the fire left behind in the fireplace. We’ll sip champagne and eat chocolate strawberries as we warm. Besides, you aren’t able to resist my yearning for you.


With tearful eyes, she watched icicles form outside the cabin’s window. Just moments before, they’d laid in each others’ arms, relishing the passion of their lovemaking.  Now, fading flowers on the table resemble his death.

2023©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction – Romance

Word Count: 100 words

Photo Prompt:©Alicia Jamtass



 To join Rochelle in her photo writing challenges

and her Friday Fictioneers – click here

*****I posted a similar story in the beginning os 2021. Due to my long absence, I’m trying to test the waters of writing again. Hope you enjoy the newly edited and slightly changed version.


Friday Fictioneers – Dying Love

“Let’s go to the shore,” he said.

“You’re mad, it’s snowing. Plus, we might get snowed in,” she said.

He loved spontaneity.  

She didn’t. 

Come on! We’ll walk the beach, shiver, then run to the warm flames of the fire left behind in the fireplace. We’ll sip champagne, eat chocolate strawberries as we warm. Besides, you aren’t able to resist my yearn for you.


She watched icy waves hit the shore from the balcony.

Just moments before, they’d laid close in each others’ arms, relishing the passion of their lovemaking. 

The fading red roses near the flames emulated his death.

2021©Isadora DeLaVega


Genre: Flash Fiction Romance

Word Count: 100 words

Photo Prompt:©Dale Rogerson

To join Rochelle in her photo writing challenges

and her Friday Fictioneers – click here