Inside the Mind of Isadora

The Booker Award


A wonderful blogger that I have had the pleasure of following is Lorna from Lorna’s Voice –

If you haven’t had an opportunity to pop over and read some of her posts it might be time that you did. Get ready to cry from laughter, though.

She has been kind to bestow upon me this very prestigious award called “The Booker Award”. This is overwhelming for me – a novice writer. It seems that most of the people given this award are writers who have published a book. I haven’t. I wish I could finish the ones that are nearly complete so I could be a published writer but that’s another topic. Instead, Lorna, is awarding this to me because she assumes that I am a reader. Well – I am. I do have to admit that with blogging my reading time has become a little shorter but a good book before bedtime can be as relaxing as a glass of warm milk.

Now, I have to list the books that I have enjoyed. This is a bit like picking your favorite child. It depends on my mood and the books behavior.

So here we go – 5 of my favorite books ….

  1.  A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose  by  Eckhart Tolle  New Earth very much focuses on the concept of ego and speaks in a simple yet powerful way that furthers spiritual awakening and enlightenment.  I took away from this book three simple, yet profound ideas. First, Tolle believes that we are all connected to each other; that everything we do matters. Second, Tolle believes in the power of listening. He suggests that if we can quiet our egos long enough to truly listen, it is possible to feel a sacredness and inner harmony where everything has its’ place. And lastly, the author speaks of the power of awareness.

             2. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilber  I first came across Elizabeth Gilbert and the phenomenon that is “Eat Pray Love” a couple of years ago. I saw the movie. I love anything with Julia Roberts. Italy, India and Indonesia mixed with food, wine, yoga, and spiritual growth – a wonderful fantasy. It made me laugh, cry and want to become a stronger person, and, eat my way through Italy.

           3. The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz 

Don Miguel Ruiz is known as a nagual or shaman of the Toltec tradition. The Toltecs were an ancient group of scientists and artists. They were formed to explore and preserve the practices and spiritual knowledge of the ancient. It is not a religion, but a way of life that embraces spirit and honors all the spiritual masters who have taught on the earth.   The Four Agreements are very simple but very profound. To embrace and live each of the Four Agreements is to find yourself experiencing personal freedom; possibly as never before. The Four Agreements are:

Be Impeccable With Your Words
Don’t Take Anything Personally
Don’t Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best

4.  Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen                                                              

According to the author’s note at the end of the book, many of the compelling anecdotes in the story were based upon real events culled from the diaries and personal histories of old-time circus performers. There is a bond that grows among an unlikely trio who learn to love and trust. Ultimately, it was their only hope for survival.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks  Every so often a love story so captures our hearts that it becomes more than a story-it becomes an experience to remember forever. The Notebook is such a book. It is a celebration of how passion can be ageless and timeless, a tale that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love all over again.

Last but not least, I must nominate 5 bloggers for this award. Now, again, this is a bit like picking your favorite child. I hope the other children aren’t pouting.

  1. Gayle from
  2. Amira from
  3. Subhan Zein from
  4. Jenny from
  5. Jo from

They aren’t under any obligation to accept. But, in so doing, should mention the person who gave them the award along with their five favorite books, why they like them plus pass the award to five other nominees.

Thank you, Lorna … have fun new nominees.


Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

38 thoughts on “The Booker Award

  1. Congratulations on your award and on an acknowledgement so well done 🙂 The four agreements sound so profound! Shall have to get my hands on a copy.


    • Thanks, Mandu. The Four Agreements is a nice handbook tye book. You can pick i up read a few pages, ponder the message and go about your day. I have two copies. One for traveling and one on my desk. They ususally have a few copies at second hand book shops. It worth the read.


  2. What happened to bodega dreams[sapo]?????


  3. Pingback: The Booker Award « MindBlur

  4. Congratulations to you! All of your books are on my favorite list. 😉


  5. Congrats! I’m a book reader, but not a bookworm. I see you menioned recognizable names andbook titles. Congrats to the award.


    • Thanks …. well, I used to read a lot more than I do now. Blogging is the culprit for that.
      I guess reading blogs is reading. haha Check out some of the books listed. The Four Agreements is a small book and can be picked up and put down since it is more about introspection and how we interact with others. Happy reading …!!!!


  6. Congratulations Crazy Chick 🙂 I’ll share this on Twitter 🙂


  7. First of all, congratulations on your awared, Izzy – very well deserved 🙂

    The only book on your list I have read (and seen the film) is Eat, Pray and Love though I am very interested in your thoughtful and aspiring choice of favourites.


  8. Congratulations on the award Issy.
    Have you thought about Blurb for publishing? It can start very cheaply they give you the software for free and they will even sell it for you from their website as well if you wish. I am currently looking at it for a photography book that has been suggested that I write.


  9. Thanks for the nomination. I am really really humbled 🙂
    I guess most of us are in the same boat when it comes to reading … the online world has made us read books a bit less … but reading has actually increased I should say. Most of the time spent online, is also reading. And the way I see it, blogs are more interesting to read as most of it are first hand stories… but then again… reading a paperback is so much more relaxing 🙂

    I see that you have listed some of my favorite books …
    Will try to put a post together soon 🙂


    • You are a fantastic writer, Amira. You are worthy of this one and many others.
      It is true that spending time in the blog world is like reading. I enjoy visiting a variety
      of blogs because of that. But, holding a book, getting lost in the story and hoping that
      it never ends is and always will be number one.
      Take your time to accept and do the requirements or not. For me, it is about recognizing
      that good work of writers.
      namaste …..


  10. Congratulations, Isadora. You truly deserve it.

    And thank you very much, Isadora for nominating me. Please bear with me for a little while.
    Blessings to you, my friend. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


  11. I’m reading Water for Elephants right now and have read the Four Agreements. How cool is that!

    Well done, Izzy, as always. You are so gracious. 🙂





  13. Congrats Izzy fully deserved…:)


  14. Congrats hun and thanks for the nomination – massive hugs xxx


  15. Congratulations, Isadora!!! Very very well deserved award!!!!


  16. I have an Eckhart Tolle on my shelves but not that one, maybe I should re-read him 🙂


    • This is a great read, Gilly. I liked this one better than his other one. I read
      this one twice. I like to take little notes of reminder for myself. They always
      seem to have his books at second hand book shops. Hope you find one and
      enjoy reading it. Have a GREAT weekend …


  17. Congrats on the award, Izzy. Well deserved indeed. 🙂 I have almost bought the book, “Eat. pray, love” a few times. I haven’t seen the movie, but having read your review, I think I must read it very soon. 🙂


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