Inside the Mind of Isadora


CCC #253 – Peaceful Dove


It does not mean to be in a place

where there is no noise, trouble

or hard work.

It means to be in the midst 

of those things,

and still be calm in your heart.


2023©Isadora DeLa Vega


Photo Prompt Below: Crispina’s Crimson Challenge

Crispina Crimson Challenge – #253

to join in click here 


Crimson Creative Challenge – Dream

May all your dreams

on a dark starless night,

take you on a flight

of peaceful repose.

For, tonight is dark,

and fearsome too

but in the morning light 

the sun rises anew.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Crimson Creative Challenge – #172

to join in click here 



Crispina Creative Challenge –  A Sign of the Times

There’s a new cable system going to be installed on our road to Gulf Cove.

What?  How on earth will I get to my house! 

You’ll have to go through the round-about on Gillot Street.

That’s so inconvenient for the people who live in this community.

Well, at least, we’ll be getting a better cable system. Internet and streaming will be faster.

Oh beans, why don’t people just read or play games for recreation.

It’s all going to be computers and television.  It’s time to adjust to the times.

Oh beans, I’m too old for this stuff.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Crispina Crimson Challenge – #169

to join in click here 



Crispina Creative Challenge – Vintage Airplane Show

Her dad had spoken of the war many times. 

It always made him sad.

Still, he loved to tell those war stories despite the pain.

“We were good soldiers,” he’d say.

“We did our best but a lot of boys died trying.”

“Dad, are you enjoying the vintage airplane show?”

“Oh yes, dear, I am”.

I could see a tear start to fall.

 Perhaps, this wasn’t the best outing today.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Crispina Crimson Challenge – #168

to join in click here 



Crispina Creative Challenge – Beyond the Blue Horizon

Come to the edge, he said. You can see the sea.

I’m afraid, I said.

The menacing sky will soon pass, he said.

Will you hold my hand? I said

I am with you forever and evermore, he spoke with a radiant smile.

Together we leaped across to places beyond the horizon.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Crispina Crimson Challenge – #166

to join in click here 



A Day Begins

The sun rises

I see hope 

just beyond the horizon

The day glows, 

 the brightest light.

Our lives lost

Now, found.

I rise and feel,

your strength

 in mine.

Like butterfly wings in flight

I feel you waft.

Close my eyes; I see your beauty

Close my eyes; I feel you here

Nature’s dance of love for you.

2021©Isadora DeLaVega


Every Wednesday Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge – #161

to join in click here


Heartbreak and Pain

Like scattered petals fallen to the ground, 

My heart needs the pieces put back together. 

Your words erased my existence.

Now, I can be free.

For you are gone,

And, I will never speak your words.

When I was young, 

You held me captive.

You cannot hurt me now, 

Nor do I scare.

Love does not dominate

It cultivates and cares.

I will not ever have your love, 

But I have someone who cares.

2021©Isadora DeLaVega


Every Wednesday, Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #157

to join in click here


My Dog Fluffy

The unconscious loyalties of a dog:

A Friend

One who multiplies joys,

Divides grief

and, whose honesty 

is invaluable

2021©Isadora DeLaVega


Every Wednesday Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge

to join in click here


Carnival Horror

Adults held children while running and screaming in all directions. 

 Horror on their faces signaled an unmistakable accident.

Uniformed fair staff and guards gathered everyone to safe zones.

A day of carnival treats and rides; now, the scene of a devastating tragedy.

Shock and terror paralyzed me. 

I declined Monica’s request that morning to escort her son, my daughter’s friend, to the fair. With six kids to monitor, I couldn’t manage any more.

A round-a-bout chair ride suddenly stopped causing the chain to sever her sons’ leg. My heart broke when I discovered it was Ryan who was injured. Despite many, many surgeries, he never was the same again.

Amusement parks were off our activities list from that day forward.

2021©Isadora De La Vega


Every Wednesday Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge

to join in click here

***** I wrote this story in 2015 for another challenge. It’s been edited and made a bit clearer. Enjoy … Isadora 😎


Père’s Unfulfilled Wish

Brigitte exhaled as she came upon the Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne. 

Pensively she said, “Père would have been tearful. He carried painful memories of the war in his heart.” 

“Henri, why did you die before you could find peace?”

Mère had never spoken about those times, nor did Père 

After the funeral, I promised Mère I’d bring her here. Now, she’d find peace for both of them.

As I looked at the inside of this beautiful cathedral, it was difficult to imagine the terror they felt during the revolution. They survived because of this church.

Mère sat with closed eyes and prayed.

She never awoke. 

2021©Isadora DeLaVega

Every Wednesday Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge

to join in click here

***** Research led me to the information that Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne de Dijon was a cathedral built in 13th and 14th century France.