Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Moms Will Be Moms

Charles, please eat something. You’ve been on your computer for hours.

Mom, I have to finish my thesis. My graduation ceremony is in May. I need to finish this.

I thought computers were supposed to make things easier and quicker.

Seriously, Mom??? You need to add your info or research your information. It all takes time.

Well, I’m bringing you something to eat since you refuse to leave this room.

OK, Mom. Just make it the last interruption.

Knock, Knock here’s some food.

Fine. Thank you, yes, I love you.

Now, don’t forget a bathroom break too.

UGH, OK, Mom.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega



Genre:Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©David Stewart

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here


Friday Fictioneers – The Value of Time

Time was forever escaping Nereida. She needed to complete her thesis for graduation. Her research had been done. Now, all she had to do was organize it and her thoughts.

Time was moving quickly forward with each passing hour. She was following close behind. Her hopes and dreams depended on this final work. She’d been through years and years of studies to reach this goal she had set for herself.

She doodled. Tapped her pencil. Chewed on her pen. An empty mind was not what she needed at this time.

Phone rang.


After, she was back on track again.

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100
Photo Prompt: Claire Sheldon



To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge
click here