Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Make Magic Happen

Granny’s greenhouse is in the distance and beyond the red barn.

She grew roses in every color. When you entered her cozy cottage, the sweet scent of roses was always in the air. 

Her final resting place will be the rose garden. 

She’d say, “Where else would I want to be?” 

Roses create beautiful paintings when gathered and placed in a crystal vase—Mother Nature’s floral paintings.

The funeral was the way granny wanted.

I  place the urn on a high shelf in the greenhouse.

I’m sure she’s looking down and saying, “Pick radiant, colorful blooms and make magic happen.”

2024©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre:Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here


Sunday Song – Malaguena Salerosa

Love is like the wonders of a unique rose in the garden of peace.

Flower 485 Rose 5.web

Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart. Khalil Gibran

Placido Domingo sings this romantic song about the beauty of a woman he desires,

but feels unworthy of her. The words are in Spanish and English.

Enjoy … Isadora 😎


Friday Fictioneers – Make Magic Happen

The funeral was exactly the way my grandmother wanted.

She pre-paid and planned it all before she died.

Always the forward-thinking woman, no one would be able to leave any details out.

The rose garden was to be her final resting place.

She’d say, “Where else would I want to be? These roses have helped me create beautiful paintings that will live on in the homes of many long after I’m gone.”

Her garden was magical. She could grow colorful varieties.

I’m sure she’s looking down at us and saying, “Pick up a paintbrush and make magic happen.”

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

photo prompt©Dale Rogerson


To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers Photo challenge

click here