Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Footprints in the Snow

Everyone was beginning to get cabin fever.

How much longer could they be snowed in without tempers flaring?

The wood pile was getting low. Soon, they’d have to go outside and chop some more.

A chill swept through Helga’s spine. It would be her luck to lose when they were choosing who’d collect the fire wood next.

She was happy to be away from them, even for a short time. She couldn’t bear having Niklaus around. He was being crudely salacious.

Helga turned.

Footprints in the snow appeared behind her.

“Niklaus,” she screeched.

Frightened, she ran.

2018©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100
Photo Prompt©J-Hardy Carroll


 Join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge
click here or the froggy button above






February Musings

My apologies to my dedicated blog followers for a repost of an oldie but goodie.

In April, my youngest daughter will be getting married. Although she’s in charge of it all,

I still find myself involved here and there. After all, I need a dress. I’m the Mother of the Bride.

Gosh, I haven’t said that since 1993 when my eldest had gotten married. 

I hope you understand and enjoy ….

Isadora 😎
Heart 550F Winter kiss heart feelings heart-wallpapers-love-wallpapers-valentine-wallpapers-valentines-day-14-february-couples-darling-boyfriend-girlfriend-beloved-partners-husband-wife-married_big

Flurries of snow falling gently
Each, cold upon my face
Boasting of its’ windy chill
Reaching the core inside my heart
Until, my lover lays his kiss gently upon my lips
Aglow, in his fiery touch I’ll stay
Reminiscing, in his arms, I fall asleep
Your essence, my comforting blanket lest we’re ever apart
 2018©Isadora DeLaVega

Heart - Hello Febraury - large

True ‘LOVE’ begins when nothing is looked for in return ….💕



Friday Fictioneers – A Dark Night


Alberto tried to convince Blanca that tonight would be the perfect night to meet.

He texted her to look out her window. A dark night; no moon. No one will see you.

What about the old lady across the street? She never sleeps, she texted back.

Look, your father will be asleep. I finally got my brother to lend me his car.

It’s snowing. Cold.

I’ll keep you warm. I promise I’ll get you home safe.

Blanca put on her black sweater. She figured it would camouflage her.

She grabbed the door knob.

From behind she heard, “Where’re you going?”

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Romantic Fiction
Word Count: 100

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge
click here or the froggy button above


*****Photo Prompt: ©Sarah Potter


February Musings

Heart 550F Winter kiss heart feelings heart-wallpapers-love-wallpapers-valentine-wallpapers-valentines-day-14-february-couples-darling-boyfriend-girlfriend-beloved-partners-husband-wife-married_big

Flurries of snow falling gently
Each, cold upon my face
Boasting of its’ windy chill
Reaching the core inside my heart
Until, my lover lays his kiss gently upon my lips
Aglow, in his fiery touch I’ll stay
Reminiscing, in his arms, I fall asleep
Your essence, my comforting blanket lest we’re ever apart
 2016©Isadora DeLaVega

Heart - Hello Febraury - largeTrue ‘LOVE’ begins when nothing is looked for in return ….💕