Inside the Mind of Isadora


Yes, How Old We Get

Black & White Al Photo - 8

“Yes, How Old We Get”

For some time now, I’ve noticed the changes on his face. I knew they were going to come, eventually. The lines of a life lived were growing with each day.

“Will you still love me when that’s all you see?, he asked.

I said, “My eyes are always mesmerized by you”.

A smile of ease appeared on his face. He understood, all I could see were his almond dark chocolate eyes. A secret, only, we know.

Yes, how old we get,
But never lose our beauty,
We merely move it.

Soon, we begin to count our blessings not our tears. Soon, we begin to count our age by friends not by years. Then, soon, the lines from our faces become blessings in our hearts.

Yes, how old we get,
But never lose our passion,
Loving devotion.
copyright2014©written by Isadora

Al - Costa Maya.webHappy Birthday, Al – Feliz Cumpleanos mi amor