Inside the Mind of Isadora



Flash Friday Prompt pix 8:22:2016 - photo-20160821095532483

The phone rang.

“Hello,” she whispered softly.

“ Nereida, meet me at our usual spot on the beach.”


Memories rapidly flooded her mind. She remembered the first time they’d met. He was walking with his metal detector along the shore. She was photographing the hazy afternoon sky. He had glanced her way.

“Do you always photograph people passing by?”, he said.

“No, only the good looking ones,” she replied.

Thus, the beginning of what would turn out to be a whirlwind romance.

He’d found an antique timepiece that day. It would be her wedding gift.


“I’ll bring the bordeaux,” he quickly added.

“I can’t wait”.

She hung up the phone and smiled.

“I wonder who that was”.

2016©Isadora De La Vega



Word Count: 116
Genre: Flash Fiction



Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers
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***** Photo Prompt: ©The Storyteller Abode