Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Bring on the Waves

Belinda was the singer in the group. Tonight, her timing was off.

Could it be too much tequila?

‘Mi Pueblo’ had the most delicious margarita’s. She had to have two.

Each failed attempt at singing left her in giggles. 

She’d needed this night out with friends.

The car accident had left her wheelchair bound.

She’d been depressed about it again. 

Thoughts poured into her head quicker than she could get them out sometimes.

Spontaneously, the raucous group decided on a beach open-air sing-a-long.

They raced to the edge of the ocean.

“Bring on the waves,” Belinda shouted.

2019©Isadora DeLaVega


Word Count: 100 words

Genre: Flash Fiction

Photo Prompt©LindaKreger

To join writer/artist Rochelle

and her Friday Fictioneers click here

Margarita: a beverage served with tequila and other tasty additions.

The glass rim is coated with salt.



At the Beach

My beach has a big umbrella casting shade over my empty chair.

Warm water touches my skin and soothes the ache within.

Palm trees are growing, warm breezes blowing.

Salty air in every breathe taken in.

I picture myself there day after day.

 My beach is my haven, my comfort, my care.

2019©Isadora DeLaVega 

At the beach, life is different.

Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment.

We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun.    

1 Comment

Mr. Blue Sky

 Friends  …. It’s been a while since I posted for you. I wish I could say I was on vacation. As you know, here in my little paradise world, I’m always on vacation.

Instead, I was hosting a family visit from my daughter. I enjoyed my grandson and new step-granddaughter for a week while she and her new husband went on their postponed honeymoon from their April wedding. It was a fun time.

Now that I’m back to my quiet little respite, I thought I would take time to gather energy from the wind and salty air by listening to the music of the waves while enjoying the bright sunny blue sky.

I’ll be vigilant to catch up on all of your blogs. In my absence, I’m sure I missed a great many things that you’ve done.  Please feel free to send me a note on those you’d like me to read. It would be disappointing to miss a single one of your stellar writings.  

Namaste  Isadora 😎

Enjoy a FUN video about Mr. Blue Sky and SMILE …..


Sunday Song – Summertime

Straw-660A Hat.web

AAAaaaahhhhh ….. the season of summer is upon us.
May the sun shine upon your life ….
And may the summer breezes gently sing a song of “LOVE”

2018©Isadora DeLaVega

A smooth jazz rendition of Summertime by Ray Barretto

A good one to grab you honey and take to the living room dance floor.

Now, that your legs are warmed up, time to have a sip of your Pina Colada.

It’s time for a beach song celebrating a favorite summer sound.

Grab that drink and sit back and rest with a little Janis.

Happy Summer …



If you have a favorite Summer song, feel free to add it in the comments so we can all enjoy …..


Florida’s been having temperatures in the low to mid 80’s. It’s summer.


Footprints in the Sand

Al & Jeffrey Footprints on the Sand1024.webJeffrey & Poppy walk the Beach


I’ll walk with you
Footprints in the Sand
And helped me understand
Where I’m going
2018©Leona Lewis


Love transcends through the nurturing of our future sons and daughters.
In this case, I chose my grandson who will one day be the voice that may change the world.
Where there is LOVE there is hope.
Teach your children well …

For my grandson, Jeffrey. He gives unconditional LOVE

leona lewis – footprints in the sand lyrics




The 3 Day Quote Challenge

Sometimes in the waves of change

We find our true direction ©annonymous

In this challenge, we’re told to write a quote and explain why we like it.

I like gaining insight in words. In these two lines, there is a great deal to learn.

We hesitate changing where we are even if we’re unhappy. We’re comfortable.

Change means adjusting to something new.

I love sitting at the beach and watching the waves hit the shore.

Each one is different. They never seem to mind that they are going to change the next time they

come to shore. If we can accept the changes in our lives, we just might find a better place to be.

2018©Isadora DeLaVega


Thank you, sweet Gilly, for nominating me for the challenge.

Be sure to visit her blog Lucid Gypsy. It’s as unique as her.

I’d like to nominate:

Janet@Sustainabilities – her blog is filled with wonderful photos and bits of writing.

Tina@Travels and Trifles – her blog is filled with photographs that tell a story without words.

Carol@Light Words – Her blog is filled with a variety of posts that express her quirky sense of humor.

There’s no obligation for the nominees to accept this challenge. Have FUN !!!!

If anyone would like to join in – feel free – here are the rules.

The rules of the challenge are simple,

Thank the person you chose you,

Post a quote for three consecutive days

Say why you like your quotes

Invite three blogging friends to join in



Nurture Yourself – Take Care of Yourself

It’s been a long road back to blogging.

I’ve been healing from some upsetting things that have happened to me.

I’m hoping to tell of my experiences and of the many changes in my life.

It’s all been a part of my writing brain fog.

Healing happens in stages. I’m back on my the path. But, I’m in those beginning stages.

Taking care of myself was and is my first priority. I’ve been doing just that.
As many of you who follow me know, I live near the beach. I visit often. It’s my place to reconnect with nature. The waves against the shore are a meditative sound that help balance the stresses that can overpower me. Many of these traumas were beyond my control. Nature took a bite out of my safety net. The fall was shocking since there is no aggressive behavior in paradise.

The video below is where I was until these recent occurrences. I hope you enjoy it for its artistry of dance but also for the connected calm the two dancers are trying to impart on those who are viewing them. The ocean is where I find myself floating in the air, as the ship I might be on floats through calm waters.

Namaste,  Isadora 🙏🏻

Damian Smith and Yuan Yuan Tan in Christopher Wheeldon’s
“After the Rain”Namaste
I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca at ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’

hosts Nurturing Thursday … to join click here.


Footprints in the Sand

The sun is sparkling over the crystal turquoise water. It’s warm as I lie on the sand staring at the sky. A warm sensation fills me with extraordinary peace. I feel free. I’m in the center of this beautiful landscape.

Colorful sailboats skim across the water. Beautifully dressed flamingos settle by the water’s edge. They resemble little gentlemen wearing pink shirts with yellow spotted ties. I watch them for some time. Their pink bodies blending with the turquoise water.

Upon a mossy tree filled mound sits a young man painting. His brush capturing footprints left behind on the grey speckled sand.

As sunset begins, he picks up another canvas ready to paint the night sky. The sky changes from a sunny yellow and blue to pink, red and orange. Stars dot the darkness. I’m feeling exuberant as I watch the changes. Another day’s set. Tomorrow, the exquisite scenery will return.

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Short Story
Word Count: 150
Photo Prompt: aFrank

aFa Writing Challenge – Footprints in the Sand

to join in click here


Nurturing Yourself – with Tai Chi

It’s been a year since I had my back surgery. It went well but healing has taken all this time. When your back isn’t aligned other joints are affected. Because of that, my knees weren’t behaving. My dancing career helped with those joint issues too. Everything is back to the way it should be for a senior. But, it’s only been 2 weeks. My mind was remembering the peaceful tai chi class I used to take. I went into my e-mails so I could contact my teacher. There in my inbox was her smiling face. I was elated. My first class will be tomorrow. I thought this type of exercise might be of interest to you. I reposted the Tai Chi nurturing I had written in 2014.

Hope you enjoy …. Isadora 🙏

The mind is everything … what you think you become … Buddah

Ni Hao – Hello ( Chinese )

Tai Chi is an ancient type of exercise similar to martial arts that has been practiced in China for centuries. The fluid slow movements make it safe and effective. If you simply incorporate this practice into your lifestyle it will be of great benefit to both mental and physical health.
Tai Chi is popular among senior citizens and those suffering from limitations that prevent them from doing other types of exercises. Some people find it to be easier than meditation for quieting their mind.

How does this ancient type of exercise prevent putting any strain on your body?

Tai Chi is a combination of elegant movements that are performed in a slow and flexible manner. They flow into each other. It looks like a well-choreographed slow motion dance. The movements are soft and fluid without jerking the body from one position to another.

A professional can give you lessons and advise on the movements and their pattern. The techniques are free flowing but there are a few guidelines that are important to keep in mind. Always keep your posture straight but your arms loose. It’s important to never apply force in any movement and to stay totally relaxed in order to refrain from putting any strain on the joints.

Many people are acquainted with the hand movements seen when Tai Chi is being performed in parks, at the beach or in gyms. The flowing movements help strengthen muscles. The quiet thoughtful concentration creates a calming effect that helps the body decrease tension, anxiety and stress. It can be performed alone or in a group. Apart from these benefits, Tai Chi works on your psychological level by improving concentration and focus to strengthen your mind.

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My Tai Chi Dance teacher – Sui

Each movement or posture carries defensive or offensive applications. In order to understand these applications it’s vital to grasp the awareness of the concept of Yin and Yang. Yin is the soft female principle and Yang is the masculine principle.

Tai Chi movements:
• releases tension and relaxes body

• it tones and strengthens muscles

• it improve respiration

• it helps increase emotional balance

• it improves balance

• it improves circulation

• Harmonize body and mind

What precautions ought I take before practicing?
Tai chi is mild enough for pretty much everybody. However, it is a sensible plan to talk with your doctor before making an attempt tai chi.

This is a professional video for those who wish to see the technique.

Tai Chi for Beginners, 8 Lessons with Dr Paul Lam – first lesson

I hope you’ll take time to find an exercise that helps you to become healthier both mentally and physically while creating a calming lifestyle in the process. Our bodies are our temples gifted to us from a greater creator who has gifted us with its care.
Zai Jiau – Good-Bye (Chinese )
Namaste …
Isadora 🙏

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca from ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’ hosts Nurturing Thursday

to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Find Clarity in Nature

sunset-sailwebYour brain functions better when you do things outdoors.

Is there anything more invigorating than a walk in the park or a visually pleasing outdoor area?

Gardening, walking on the beach and exercising outdoors, all contribute to positive thinking and clarity.

Exercise in the open air with the warmth of the sun, the sound of birds singing in the trees and a light breeze blowing through your hair can raise your levels of happiness. It revives the soul. Looking at natures scenery while noticing its beauty all have an effect on our emotions and bring us peace of mind.

Negative ions which have been found in particles near waterfalls, river rapids and in breaking waves at the beach can act as a natural anti-depressants, according to a study conducted at Columbia University.

Today, take a little time to nurture yourself with some time outdoors. Find clarity with all the beauty before you. Unpleasant thoughts will fade away and you’ll feel energized enough to face anything before you.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Peace of Mind

One day Buddha was walking from town to town with his disciples. After a short walk they happened upon a lake.

Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Get me some water from that lake.”

The disciple walked up to the lake and noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water. He also saw a bullock cart crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, turbid.

The disciple returned and told Buddha “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.”

An hour passed.

Again, Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink.

The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time, he found that the lake had clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above looked fit to drink. He collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

Buddha looked at the water; then, he looked up at the disciple and said, “Do you see what you did to make the water clear?”

“You let the lake be and the mud settled down on its own. You were able to get clear water.”

“Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen effortlessly.”

Buddha says having ‘peace of mind’ is an effortless process. When there is peace inside you, that peace permeates to the outside. It spreads around you and to your the environment.

Namaste, Isadora

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Becca from ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’ hosts Nurturing Thursday

to join in click here