Inside the Mind of Isadora


Autumn – A Will I must Obey

Autumn Leaves - yellowAutumn     ©goggle image

Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The trees are changing from their summer clothes and donning various autumn-fall colors. Beautiful crimsons, golden yellows, mustards and cadmium, verdant grassy greens fading to blue and purple with each morning’s dew; a feast for our eyes to witness before the impending winter snows. It is a memory for me, as I don’t experience those changes here in my beloved Florida. Still, a walk near the shore at the beach on a balmy, windy day with peaceful ocean sounds has replaced those fall days left behind.

Autumn Leaves       ©goggle image

Autumn: A Will I Must Obey

The green, green grass of summer
has changed to shades of brown,
And the smiling face of an autumn
is looking like a circus clown.

Crimson leaves and purple sunsets,
too, soon will fade away,
For nature and the seasons
know a will they must obey.

Grass isn’t green forever,
and nothing gold can stay,
But springtime follows winter
When the snow melts away.

2023©Isadora DeLaVega


Nurture Yourself – Contemplate You

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; 

Watch your words, they become your actions; 

Watch your actions, they become your habits; 

Watch your habits, they become your character; 

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny 

© Lao Tzu

Nurturing in many words …

In Love and Light, Isadora 

    2023©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.



Nurture Yourself – Serenity in Nature

Nurture natures-hidden-beauty
S – Starting today
E – Everything is going to be all right
P – Pausing to listen
T – To nature all around
E – Even when I’m feeling down
M – My heart will be open
B – Because life is incredible
E – Each and everyday
R – Regardless of what’s handed my way.

September Nurturing in many words …

In Love and Light, Isadora 

poem2023©Isadora DeLaVega

Autumn - friday challengeNature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty©John Ruskin


I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.
