Inside the Mind of Isadora


My Nightmare

Flash Fiction 2- wpid-photo-20150907210618095

I couldn’t sleep a wink all night. Shoe shopping is thrilling!                                                                                                                                               At first light, I showered and dressed. There wasn’t a moment to spare.
I’d found the perfect dress the day before. I knew exactly where to find the ideal shoes to go with it.
Why hadn’t I purchased them together?
Driving in the downpour was blinding. I forged on.
As quickly as my stylish wedged shoes could carry me, I went straight to where the shoes had been the day before.
I was shocked. Disheartened. It can’t be. Everything’s rearranged.
Is it that time, already?
My shopping nightmare.

2015©isadora delavega

Genre: Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

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