Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Terror Overshadows Joy

Thrown against the cobblestone floor, she feels her body collapse in pain. The metal chains on the prison doors are deafening. It’s damp, musty, and cold. 

Soldiers dragged neighbors, friends, and her from their homes, killing or imprisoning them.

She is worried about her pregnancy.

Soon, sleep overtakes her, only to awaken in painful labor.

There is no medical staff to help. Alone, she births a baby in need of more time to grow.  

Amid her screams, her newborn cries out.

Premature and underweight, she lays her baby girl on her breast.

What will be her fate? 

Terror overshadows joy.

2023©Isadora DeLaVega


Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100 words
Photo Prompt: ©RoshelleWisoffFields


To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

to join in click here

or Froggy above



The BeZine News

My poem has been published in the summer isuue of The BeZine. It’s inspired by the men and women of Ukraine who leave their families behind. I’m honored it was selected. Thank you to the committee. To read it in BeZine click here

Remember Me and Return

Darkness covers me like a blanket

Shadows surround my thoughts

My arms wrap tightly around me

Deserted, no one home

You keep me isolated 

My only friend, just you

Smiles ne’er intrude our space

With you, I’m safe and whole

The thorns of my emotions

Keep rising from deep inside

Always in your shadows

Always in your arms

I cannot see the rose

Only thorns of pain

Madness all around me

It keeps me huddled tight

Tomorrow won’t be different

It will always be the same

Fear keeps me shaking

My spirit is tattered, worn

Darkness gives me comfort

Forever, all alone

My prayer is you’ll 

Remember me and return home

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


WDYS – Remember & Return to Me


Who are You?

I see you in the broken mirrored glass.

My eyes express my fragmented edges. 

Where has the very rational, 

patient, and very curious person gone?

My desire to learn and meet new challenges is gone. 

He will return after the world settles again.

Our freedoms are stolen because, in war, there isn’t a choice. 

Our life’s emotions are destroyed and stripped away, separating us.

Remember and return to me. 

2022©Isadora Delavega



For Sadje’s ‘What Do You See’ Challenge 

to join in click here


                                                           Image credit: Amine M’Siouri @ Pexels




Sunday Song – Spirit Bird

A tribute to those who have lost their lives in Ukraine.

May they heal from this horrific war.

Blessings 🙏

Let us prayers for the people and the children of Ukraine.

Prayers are a blessing but below are two sites 

where you can help the most.

Save the Children 



Crispina Creative Challenge – Vintage Airplane Show

Her dad had spoken of the war many times. 

It always made him sad.

Still, he loved to tell those war stories despite the pain.

“We were good soldiers,” he’d say.

“We did our best but a lot of boys died trying.”

“Dad, are you enjoying the vintage airplane show?”

“Oh yes, dear, I am”.

I could see a tear start to fall.

 Perhaps, this wasn’t the best outing today.

2022©Isadora DeLaVega


Crispina Crimson Challenge – #168

to join in click here 



Père’s Unfulfilled Wish

Brigitte exhaled as she came upon the Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne. 

Pensively she said, “Père would have been tearful. He carried painful memories of the war in his heart.” 

“Henri, why did you die before you could find peace?”

Mère had never spoken about those times, nor did Père 

After the funeral, I promised Mère I’d bring her here. Now, she’d find peace for both of them.

As I looked at the inside of this beautiful cathedral, it was difficult to imagine the terror they felt during the revolution. They survived because of this church.

Mère sat with closed eyes and prayed.

She never awoke. 

2021©Isadora DeLaVega

Every Wednesday Crispina will post a photo like this one above.

You are to respond with something CREATIVE

Crimson’s Creative Challenge

to join in click here

***** Research led me to the information that Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne de Dijon was a cathedral built in 13th and 14th century France.