Inside the Mind of Isadora

Love was like a River


Friday Fictioneers - boat.web

Gazing out, I realize this was our place.
We sat here by the river watching it flow, holding hands and confessing our hopes and dreams.
I remember when you said that love was like a river. You thought 
the river waters gush                                                                               created a surge like love with its’ many highs and lows.
Here by the river, my once empty days had been filled with love. You were my smile in the morning when I arose. You were the hug before I fell asleep.
What happened to us?
Where are those days of a love that flowed like a river?

2015©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Fiction

Word Count – 100 words

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers in this challenge click here or the froggy button:

Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

33 thoughts on “Love was like a River

  1. I see it’s your anniversary Issy. Congrats to you and your hubby darling and may there be many, many more. 😀

    Love the poem. It’s so true and beautiful. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love is like a river.. so many things could happen to a river, that it can easily turn bad.. Happy anniversary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Firstly…Happy Anniversary !! 50 years…wow Izzy. I was surprised I made it to 10.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So romantic and beautiful, with such a sad ending. I love it, and congrats. Fifty years! You can be very proud to have kept the spark alive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear gahlearner,
      Thank you for the anniversary good wishes. Yes, it can be quite an accomplishment when looking at the amount of time.
      To be honest, it hasn’t seemed that long. There’s no denying in a life lived with another there are high’s and lows. But, in the
      essence of actual time, it doesn’t seem like that long. 😳 Thank you again.
      I’m a hopeless romantic but enjoy wiritng about the tumultuous things that can go one in a problematic relationship. This is
      a sad one but seems to be realistic for today’s society. I’m happy you enjoyed it enough to ‘Love it’!
      With appreciation,
      Isadora 😎

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A sad but poignant tale. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sad, but lovely.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We celebrate 31 years tomorrow, Izzy, and there have been surges and there have been dry times. We just kept paddling. 🙂 Congratulations on 50 years. That’s a huge accomplishment with lots of work as well as love. Since we didn’t get married until I was 30, we’ll be a bit older when we get to 50. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Janet,
      Congratulations on your wonderful 31st year accomplishment, as well. ❤️ May you both continue to flourish in the glow of each others’ LOVE. ❤️
      In 50 years of marriage, it cannot be said that it was a smooth ride. A life lived has high’s and lows. The true testament to commitement to another is whether or not you’re willing to stay on the bumpy ride to get to the final destination. A true respect for the others opinions and feelings; a little humor daily; a morning and evening hug sprinkled with a 2 minute surprise hug randomly given throughout the day and a deeply heartfelt love for the other all add up to a long marriage.
      Thank you for you good wishes for my anniversary.
      Izzy 😎


  8. Unfortunately love has flowed away.

    Its sad but many relations are crumbling despite trying to make them work.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful and so sad, its what happens to many relationships.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Querida Isadora,

    It takes work to keep that river flowing, doesn’t it? And there are days it seems like a dried up puddle. Well written.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Querida Rochelle,
      Yes, there are many that give up too quickly or have a roaming eye. I can atest that after 50 years of
      marriage it does require thoughtful input to keep ourselves sparkling and bright within it.
      I wrote this from the perspective of many people I know who have had disalusions with love.
      However, I’m a hopeless romantic ever keeping the hearts fires burning.
      I’m pleased you found it was well-written. Thank You.
      Isadora 😎


  11. Beautifully written yet pretty disturbing for those who have not been together that long. Like me and my wife. I will work hard in hopes that this will not happen to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have a great many friends who’ve experienced love lost. Unfortunately, we live in a throw away society.
      Relatioships require commitment and that commitment is work. But, to be with someone you treasure, love and adore.
      Heavenly…!!! I know from whence I speak – 50th Anniversary celebrated this past August 21st.
      Glad you found my story to be well-written and beautiful, Emilio. Thank you …
      Isadora 😎


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