Inside the Mind of Isadora

Cafe Chat








Cafe Chat

Welcome … grab a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or tea.

Now, sit in a comfy chair and let’s chat.

A little music might be nice … I hope you enjoy my selection


Beethoven’s Silence – A soothing piano melody

I hope your weather has been good. Do leave from where yo’ure visiting in the comments; if you leave a comment. We’ve had glorious 70’s during the day and 50’s at night.

The cooler weather has been wonderful for walks. I’ve been having a fun time with my new fit bit. I hadn’t been a watch wearer for the longest time. Retirement will do that. No need to wear one since there aren’t any kids to pick up or drop off anywhere. But … a fit bit is different. It was a gift for Christmas from my hubby after a recent surgery. Oh, you missed it, read here. This little gadget monitors my heartbeat, sleep patterns along with oxygen levels, stairs climbed, steps walked, my stress level, it reminds me to get up and move if I’ve been sitting too long, it tells me to take a moment to meditate if I’m stressed, it buzzes when an email comes in, gives me the time and the outdoor temperature. This is a computer on your wrist.  I wasn’t thrilled with being told by a watch what I should be doing but I have to admit it has kept me moving.  I suppose it has a purpose. If you have a new gadget that helps you keep fit, let me hear about it?

While on my morning walk, I came across a tiny little bunny.

He had a fluffy white tale but ran off too quickly for me to capture it.My Christmas cactus hadn’t bloomed in December.

Surprise …. here are the flowers. Okay, a bit late but still beautiful.

I’ve been participating in musicals at A Frank Angle for sometime. He’s hosting a new musical series with ‘The Beatles’. Unfortunately, I was out of the country when they hit the states in the BIG WAY they did. Over-the-years, I’ve grown to love them.

If you love music … AND … The Beatles – aFrank is hosting the aFa Concert Series. To join in click here – you’ll have a blast reminiscing with all the mop top boys’ tunes. Below are two songs from the musical this past weekend.

Have a Great Week …!!!

Enjoy … Isadora

This first video has superb graphics, dancing and a great song …

The Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps 

The Beatles Let It Be Lyrics – HD



Author: Inside the Mind of Isadora

Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.

30 thoughts on “Cafe Chat

  1. Glad you are enjoying the Fitbit. I have an older model that does not monitor heart rate or stress level, but it is useful for keeping track of how much exercise and sleep I get.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been enjoying the messages about moving is I’m sitting too long which can happen with blogging. It also tell me to sit calmly and breathe for a few minutes. That one really shocked me. And, I have been walking more because seeing the steps accumulate has become a fun goal. It’s turned into a very practical object.
      Thanks for visiting, Meg. Happy New Year 2019 … hope it’s a great year for you in every way possible. Isadora 😎


  2. I’ve had a version of a fitbit since Christmas 2017, I really like it, no that it makes me fitter but it does make me aware of how active or inactive I am, It’s hard here in winter when it’s wet a lot of the time, cold too often and then the short daylight 😦 never mind the shortest have passed and spring is just a few weeks away I hope!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was resistant to having a Fitbit because I didn’t want to have a watch on. I’m getting used to it. I like when it reminds me to get up and stretch or to relax because my stress level is rising. I must admit I tend to look at my steps a lot. I’m sure eventually I won’t do it that much. It will start to get hot in June. Walking outside will be brutal. I think swimming will replace walking. Aaahhh … aging 🙄 and I’m only 21. 😂😂😂
      Thanks, Gilly for telling me your experience with the Fitbit.
      Issy 😎


  3. My Christmas cactus always blooms for Thanksgiving. Very odd. But I recently read somewhere they are more closely related to orchids than to succulents. Learn something new every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I live in the Four Corners are of the US. Where the four states meet (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah). I’m glad you are doing well after your surgery and that is wonderful your husband got you a Fitbit! Happy New Year! I hope your 2019 finds you healthy, happy and prosperous! XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been to 3 of the states you added, PJ. We went to a wedding in Colorado Springs driving from Florida. It was beautiful to drive through the mountains. There were bear crossing signs. We thought it couldn’t be possible but then we could smell the earthy scent. Happy our car didn’t give us any problems in that area. Arizona is a great place to visit too. New Mexico was the state we had planned on moving to. We have land right outside of Albuquerque. But, we moved to Florida and were here to stay. We always enjoy visiting the art galleries. It’s been awhile I may need to add that to my to do for 2019.
      Thanks for spending some time on one of my comfy chairs ☕️


  5. I brought my tea. Thanks for the time of relaxation. My Christmas cactus hasn’t bloomed yet, although it’s getting ready. Hopefully it doesn’t flower while I’m in Arizona! 😦


    Liked by 1 person

    • I love Arizona and New Mexico. We almost moved to New Mexico but Florida has beaches 🏖 We do have land right outside of Albuquerque. Santa Fe is my favorite place to tour.
      Is your tea a special flavor? I’m enjoying Spicy Ginger and Green Tea together without sweeteners. I don’t eat sugar of any kind. 🍵
      Christmas cactus can bloom from October to February. I think it relies on cooler temps. JoHawk commented above that it’s in the orchid family. I’m going to check that out. The blooms don’t last as long as orchid blooms so if it blooms while you’re gone it might be over by the time you get back.
      Thanks for hanging out in one of my comfy chairs ☕️


  6. Many thanks for the plug … and I welcome your readers. (and you know I’m a gracious host). Oh … you should have seen my wife Christmas Cactus because it was loaded with blooms! Meanwhile, Cincinnati has mild weather in the moment (high in the upper 40s-low 50s) … which also usually means cloudy. Temps turning toward Tuesday night. YUK!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your musicals 🎼are such FUN so it’s easy to recommend. I’ve never been to Cincinnati or Ohio anywhere. I think I’ll read up about your neck of the woods. I’m curious about anything and everything. My mother used to tell me – all the time – that my curiosity was going to get me in trouble. So happy she didn’t extinguish that in me. I learn a great deal because of it. Thanks for hanging out on one of my comfy chairs ☕️😎

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Very cool video for While My Guitar Gently Weeps!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love this post. The flowers were lovely. Shame you couldn’t capture the bunny.
    That is one of the best Beatle songs.
    Hope you have a beautiful, happy, and inspiring new year full of love and happiness

    Liked by 1 person

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