Inside the Mind of Isadora


Sunday Song – Memories of Childhood

Flower-Green-S.web                                    Flor Verde   art and photography©Isadora DeLaVega

Memories of our childhood are like images on a wet canvas,

they merge until they lose all their shape,

often remaining only as feelings …. ©Brian Maynott

Amethystium MEADOWLAND



Santa brought a Schwinn

Schwinn Bike.web

Dear Santa,

I forgot to mention I want a bicycle. Thank You …

Dori (my family called me this when I was growing-up)

Those were the words that rattled inside my mind when I saw this very shiny bicycle near our Christmas tree when I was 9 years old on Christmas morning.

I know what most of you are thinking, ‘Why did she believe in Santa Claus at age 9?’ That’s a little old to believe in things that don’t exist.

But, I always believed everything my parents said to me even if classmates said there wasn’t a Santa Claus. Parents wouldn’t fib to their children. Besides, we were taught everyday in Catholic school that lying was a sin. I didn’t want to believe my parents would commit a sin on purpose. My little sister was 5 then and she believed in Santa. Should I have spoiled it for her? No. And so, I believed.

On this Christmas morning, I questioned whether or not I had asked for the right gifts. Although, I had 2 gifts this particular year. It had always been just one. I must have been real good. I was thrilled when I opened my first gift and it was the special Shirley Temple doll I had asked for. She had the prettiest smile and blonde curls. She was wearing a plaid skirt with a crisp white blouse and a beret atop those ringlets of curls. The second gift was the exact beret Shirley Temple wore when I had seen her at the Macy’s store on 5th Avenue. My family had gone into the city to see Santa and all of the wonderful New York decorations. As I think back to that day, my grandmother had taken us to have lunch while my mother did some errands. Doing Santa’s work, I’m sure. Well, he did fulfill my wishes.

But there in the middle of the living room, next to a brightly lit tree, was this blue and white shiny bicycle. It had a giant white bow and my older sisters’ name on it. It was so pretty. It was really very high too. I could barely reach the handle bars. It was gleaming and satiny bright. When my sister saw it she squealed and jump all around the living room. She had a huge smile on her face and slight giggles emitted as she spoke. We all gathered around it as we oohed and aahed.

Excited and ready to get her new bicycle outside, my sister ran into her room to get dressed. I waited in the living room with my Shirley Temple doll. I knew she wasn’t going to be able to ride. When she grabbed her bicycle and was ready to go my mother told her she couldn’t go outside.

Stunned she asked, why?

She was told the bad news. It had snowed 5” during the night. The sidewalks were covered in snow. Well, she wasn’t having any of it. She trotted down the 2 flights of stairs with her new bicycle and went outside. She rode on the snow. Of course, she fell a lot too. It didn’t matter to her. She wasn’t going to be stopped. All of us watched from the window and laughed.

Weeks later the weather improved. Eventually, she gave me a ride on her new bicycle. I didn’t know how to ride a 2 wheel bike. She had to hold onto me and the bike as I attempted to reach the pedals. It was futile. I was too short. Since she had asked for a boys bike with the bar that ran across from the seat to the handle bars my riding days quickly ended. We did have a great many fun rides with me sitting on the back fender while holding onto the seat.

Four years later, when she left home at 18, I was given the bicycle. I learned to ride. But, I was never as interested in bike riding as she was.

I guess I did get the right gifts from Santa that Christmas, after all.

2014©written by Isadora

Schwinn Blue Bike.web


July – National Ice Cream Month

Ice Cream cones.webNational Ice Cream Month

July is National Ice Cream month. Yes, it is.

Is your mouth starting to water?

The ice cream memories I have slid right into my mind when I read this in the newspaper this morning. All the money I earned from errands I had done for neighbors all week went to a Sunday ice cream treat.
It was always the same – vanilla, strawberries with thick syrup and whip cream with a cherry on top. Sometimes, if I had enough money I would get nuts too.
Later as a teen, it became popular to order butter pecan or eclair ice cream bars but I usually missed my vanilla flavor.

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Was there a Good Humor ice cream truck that visited your neighborhood every summer day?

I’m not too sure about the list below. I thought it would be fun to add it to the post. If you see yourself in one of the flavors than that’s your ice cream flavor.
The video I added is of a baby having ice cream for the first time. I’ll guess that most of us reacted to ice cream just like this baby. It’s quite funny.
Enjoy …..

Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor???
2014©written by Isadora

Baby … tasting ice cream for the 1st time … funny


A ‘Baskin-Robbins’study reveals what your favorite ice cream says about you:

Vanilla: You’re more likely to be impulsive, easily suggestible and an idealist.

Chocolate: You’re more likely to be dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive and gullible

Very Berry Strawberry: You’re more likely to be a tolerant, devoted and an introvert.

Mint Chocolate Chip: You’re more likely to be argumentative, frugal and cautious.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: You’re more likely to be ambitious, competitive and a visionary.

Pralines ‘n Cream: You’re more likely to be loving, supportive and prefer to avoid the spotlight.

Jamoca: You’re more likely to be scrupulous, conscientious and a moral perfectionist.

Chocolate Chip: You’re more likely to be generous, competent and a go getter.

Rainbow Sherbet: You’re more likely to be analytic, decisive and pessimistic.

Rocky Road: You’re more likely to be aggressive, engaging and a good listener.

According to writer Brooke Beytin from the Daily Meal, ice cream flavors say a great deal about us. Dr. Alan Hirsh, founder of Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago and partner in the Baskin-Robbins study, explained, “We uncovered quite a few surprising finds when investigating what a person’s favorite ice cream flavor says about their personality,” according to the New York Daily News.