Inside the Mind of Isadora


Sunday Song – Flight From The City

Although Mother’s Day was on May 12, 2019, my special poem for Mother’s 

‘Your Mother’s Always with You’ 

was added to the BeZine Project Special Mini Edition for Mother’s Day  on May 20, 2019.

This video is a testimony to the strength of a mother. She must have the fortitude and resilience to impart upon her child a confident character in order to let go of her child into the world of whatever may come their way. Yet, she must be there to let them gather strength once again from her quietly warm touch. 

A mother’s love is never-ending.


2019©Isadora De La Vega

‘Your Mother is always with You’

She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street.

She’s the smell of certain foods you remember.

She’s the flowers that you pick, of the perfume that she wore.

She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.

She’s the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,

She’s in your laughter, crystallized in every tear,

She’s the place you came from, your first home.

She’s the map you follow with every step you take.

She’s your first love, your first friend, even your first enemy.

    Nothing on earth can separate you,

Not time … Not space … Not even death!


2019©Isadora DeLaVega



Heavy Hearts in Christchurch, New Zealand

Once again, our lives have been saddened by the horrific tragedy that occurred in a Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. The innocent killing of 49 people and the many injured and hospitalized is overwhelming to hear about and to witness on the evening news.   

I’m sure none of them went to this Mosque thinking this would be their last day alive. They were there to find peace and to show gratitude for the lives they were living.

A madman decided he wanted to eliminate people he disliked. His reasons far too obtuse to give them any thought.

This was not a madman. 

This was someone who wanted to control the way the world should be. He methodically planned all of it. That’s not the mind of a madman. It’s the mind of a man who doesn’t respect human life.  I disagree with calling this  mad man.

The losses of the lives of innocent children and adults has burdened us with heavy hearts.

To all who are suffering from this tragedy of lives lost we send our prayers.

My Wish 

Let’s wish people freedom to worship 

Let’s wish people healing from pain

Let’s wish people a prayer of comfort

Let’s wish people a gentle touch of good will

Let’s wish people a smile of cheer

Let’s wish people a  peaceful hand to hold

Let’s wish people encouraging days

Let’s wish people a loving hug 

Let’s wish for peace to rule the world not hate.

  I wish to believe that no matter what life gives us we can have hope.

Wherever, we want to be with a loving hand to help us we can get there.

May your troubled hearts find peace and comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone.

May God’s presence ease your trembling spirit and give you rest.

He is there to cast sunlight into all of your darkened shadows,

to send encouragement through the love of friends and family,

and to replace your weariness with new hope.

Blessings, Isadora 🙏

2019©Isadora DeLaVega