Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – Just Once

The study was dreary even with the sun shining through the thin curtains.

‘Just once,’ he’d said.

Part of her wanted to give into his adulterous plan. 

She twisted her wedding band round and round. 

Her heart fluttered with a wave of excitement.

Glancing at the clock, she knew Randall wouldn’t be home for hours.

His empty whiskey glass her justification for the wayward exploit.

The phone rang again.

She picked up the receiver slowly; her yearning greater than her reasoning. 

She could hear his voice was full of desire.

“Once,” she said to him, “just once and never again.”

2019©Isadora DeLaVega




Word Count: 100

Genre: Flash Fiction

Photo Prompt:©Fatima Fakier Deria

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here


Take my Hand and Walk with Me


While on a cruise for our 50th anniversary, we renewed our vows.

These were the words I spoke:

Take my hand and walk with me

 in quiet places; 

Where butterfly wings create a melodic song.

Sing and play in secret meadows; 

where grasses sway 

with soft summer breezes 

from dusk to dawn.

Share with me a simple life 

of placid days and starry nights; 

where we can lie on yielding grasses,

while waiting for the morning light.

Take my hand and dance with me, 

until stars twinkle brightly in your eyes.

 For simple pleasures love can hold; 

even when winter’s edge grows bold. 

2019©Isadora DeLaVega


These were the vows my husband spoke:


Without you,

Life is just existing

With you,

Life is worth living.

You put a name on the

Songs birds sing

And, you bring the smell of flowers

To a breezy spring

You are my sun,

You are my moon 

My hearts soar’s 

With loving wings.

2019©Al DeLaVega

There are so many things I could say about our special day: August 21,1965. We stood before God and said our vows. It was a celebration with family and friends. We were a perfect example of youth with all of the innocence that accompanies it.

Our lack of knowledge gave us freedom from moral wrongs. 

We knew one thing only: LOVE. 

We thought we were the perfect example of what a life of love should be. We were fearless about what the future would hold. 

We had a special bond that held us together: LOVE.

Did we expect to have troubles??? 


But, trouble is an inevitable part of life. When trouble comes you simply need to hold your head high and face that trouble directly. 

There were many; they came often. 

You can’t be youthfully naive and not have trouble sitting at your table. 

We both felt strong and confident that we’d be able to conquer everything. And, we did.

Those of us who’ve had the joy of celebrating many years of marriage do so with a badge of honor. 

Conquering trials and tribulations along with creating joyful and loving moments together are part of how relationships bond together. 

What gives us the honor to celebrate so joyously?

Our commitment for a lifetime together. 

And, we’ve been. 

We celebrate another anniversary with our hearts filled with joyful LOVE.

Enjoy … Isadora


Sunday Song – Love is in the Air

Heart flying wings 2.web

Love is a feeling of beautiful want

one person can bring to your Heart,

and a feeling of Loneliness deep down inside

whenever you must be part

Love is in the Air music by John Paul Young


Anniversary Al & Isa.webHappy 51 Anniversary to my Special Love 

Panin Pavel Tango for Love





Take my Hand and Walk with Me

Nurture natures-hidden-beauty

In May, my hubby and I celebrated our 50th Anniversary. Our actual anniversary date is August 21st. We celebrated early because of the ports we were interested in seeing. The Panama Canal was one of the many ports. I’ve been trying to get posts written on each one of the ports but it’s happening very slowly.
As it turned out, when I arrived home my back pain, that I had had before I left for our trip, became much more unbearable. I was bedridden. Despite my being a high risk patient, reluctantly, I decided to have the back surgery.
I’ve been progressing slowly since the surgery. I’m far from healed. But, with patience, I can see the light at at end of the road.
While on our cruise, we renewed our vows.
These were the words I spoke.
Enjoy …

Hands 565 holding a daisy.web

Take my hand and walk with me
in quiet places;
where butterfly wings create a melodic song.
Sing and play in secret meadows;
where grasses sway
with soft summer breezes
from dusk to dawn.
Share with me a simple life
of placid days and starry nights;
where we can lie on yielding grasses,
while waiting for the morning light.
Take my hand and dance with me,
until stars twinkle brightly in your eyes.
For simple pleasures love can hold;
even when winter’s edge grows bold.
2015©isadora delavega

Giovanni Marradi Romantico