Inside the Mind of Isadora


Friday Fictioneers – The Flamenco Dance

“Por favor, Renaldo, can we stop all of this practicing? My feet are swollen, and my toes ache.”

“Esmeralda, we must practice if we’re going to win the competition.”

“It’s snowing, and I want to go home while I still can.”

“The Flamenco has to be perfect; no missteps. We must be flawless.” 

“Okay, go,” he snarled. 

“Work on your costume and return early tomorrow. No excuses.” 

Cautiously, Esmeralda walked to her car.

From behind, she heard a scream.

Immediately, she turned and saw Renaldo sitting on the icy concrete.

With a sheepish grin, she shouted, “No practice tomorrow … right?” 

2024©Isadora DeLaVega

***** If you’re not familiar with the Flamenco dance, watch this video .

Genre:Flash Fiction

Word Count: 100

Photo Prompt:©Dale Rogerson

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here



Manasota Beach    2022©Isadora DeLaVega


He looks at her lying there on the blanket. He’s mesmerized by her luscious curves.

The lotion she cautiously applied to her skin glistens in the sun’s rays. 

Her ocean-drenched golden hair trickles droplets onto her shoulders.

She is lying blissfully below an azure sky. 

He is wondering, what she’s thinking?

Her beauty is matched only by the surrounding peaceful beach setting. 

You isolate by choice.

You are not alone.

Passion grasps his emotions with tender feelings of sensuality.

You are captivating.

You are bewitching.

You are mysterious.


Are what I want!


I want to know,


2022©Isadora De La Vega


The Positive of Negatives

On those particularly rough days,

when you’re not sure if you can possibly endure,

remind yourself, that your track record of bad days,

is being outweighed by your good days …

2022©Isadora De La Vega


A Lover’s Dance

Photo by Marko Zirdum on


 A lover’s dance is patient and kind.

It feeds your heart, soul, and mind.

It brings you joy and happiness within,

knowing that they will be with you

through thick and thin.

A lover’s dance is captivating.

Only if the partner’s heart

has not been fractured.

A lover’s dance has no mistakes.

It plays no one, not even games.

A lover’s dance is slow and kind,

Easy to learn but hard to find.

Open your heart and let love in

to a lover’s dance.

2022©Isadora De La Vega



Friday Fictioneers – The Interview

Dancing was on her mind all the time. Magda was obsessed with the idea of becoming an Alvin Ailey jazz dancer. She disliked practicing ballet for posture or tap for flexibility. The movements bored to tears. Jazz had a rhythm all its own.

She told her parents about moving to Hollywood after graduation. They tried to discourage her by saying she was foolish.

Entering the agency, she was awestruck by the photos on the walls.

Mr. W asked, How big a star do you want to be?

Musicals big, Magda replied.

There’s a price, you know.

Reality hit, Magda shuddered.

2020©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction

Woed Count: 100

Photo Prompt: ©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers challenge

click here

***** I’ve had no internet for this past week. Our rainy season is here causing issues. If I missed your story from last week, I’ll be sure to read it this week. Be Safe … Isadora 😎