Inside the Mind of Isadora


I Do Not Love You

I do not love you except because I love you; 

I go from loving to not loving you,

From waiting to not waiting for you

My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it’s you the one I love; 

I hate you deeply, and hating you

Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you

Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume

My heart with its cruel

Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who

Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,

Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood. ©Pablo Neruda


Nurture Yourself – Take Care of Yourself

It’s been a long road back to blogging.

I’ve been healing from some upsetting things that have happened to me.

I’m hoping to tell of my experiences and of the many changes in my life.

It’s all been a part of my writing brain fog.

Healing happens in stages. I’m back on my the path. But, I’m in those beginning stages.

Taking care of myself was and is my first priority. I’ve been doing just that.
As many of you who follow me know, I live near the beach. I visit often. It’s my place to reconnect with nature. The waves against the shore are a meditative sound that help balance the stresses that can overpower me. Many of these traumas were beyond my control. Nature took a bite out of my safety net. The fall was shocking since there is no aggressive behavior in paradise.

The video below is where I was until these recent occurrences. I hope you enjoy it for its artistry of dance but also for the connected calm the two dancers are trying to impart on those who are viewing them. The ocean is where I find myself floating in the air, as the ship I might be on floats through calm waters.

Namaste,  Isadora 🙏🏻

Damian Smith and Yuan Yuan Tan in Christopher Wheeldon’s
“After the Rain”Namaste
I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca at ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’

hosts Nurturing Thursday … to join click here.


Reflection – Time to Say Good-bye

Blue Rose - signed  (568x640) copy

I spent time building something that couldn’t be built. You showed me that I’d counted on the illusion of my heart.

Perhaps my love, it’s time to say goodbye.

Yes, you don’t want to hear these words.

Our lives together can’t be built on crumbly silt of sand for it would fall upon itself.

We tried and failed, persisting in the dream, because I believed it would succeed. It’s hard to distinguish whether or not the world I live in is a reality or a delusion.

Yet, I didn’t know that shifting sands would lie beneath my feet. I toiled and hungered with determination and fearless resolve. Faithful in my yearnings that you and I could be. I felt a loving future that, I thought, our lives could share. Our imminent future built upon a platform we would surely coalesce.

But now, it’s time to say goodbye instead. I’ll spend my time constructing a newness to survive without your presence in my mind or throbbing in my heart.

You were the man that made me proud.

Your soul had made me strong.

You were the path that kept me straight.

Now, I just don’t belong.

Forever and a day, I will be in love with you.

But keeping the desires of sunshine fresh has been difficult to do.

Sadly, your fingers drift from my hand as we say goodbye.

Your touch is fading from my soul you are no longer mine.

2016©Isadora DeLaVega


Have a ‘Reflection’ you’d like to share?

Tom @ Beyond the Sphere is hosting a
June Theme: ‘Reflection’
to join in click here


Friday Fictioneers – Love is Like a River

Friday Fictioneers AA Feb.5, 2016 - leary2

The cloudy night casts a shadow over the river.
Sitting on the bank, I’m regretting my failures while mourning my loss.
We’d felt solace here.
You were the chuckle in my laughter. The path I walked that kept me straight.
We spent time listening to the reverberations of the rivers course.
Your eyes twinkled as you listened to me speak tender words of love.
The placid water exudes a strange calm.
There’s a stillness in the air that surrounds me.
Looking at the reflection of my face in the serenity of the water;
My thoughts linger gently on yesterday.
Gone …
2016©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100

To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers 

in this challenge: click here or Blue Frog Badge




Friday Fictioneers – Despair

Friday Fictioneers A Prompt Photo - trg3
Sitting on the railing, he pondered the possibilities of flight. He was enveloped in a fog of despair. Just moments before his chest was bursting with joyous ecstasy. The love of his life had accepted his proposal. Her smile was radiant. She spoke of an overflowing love for him.
If there hadn’t been that accident on the bridge?
It had angered her.
Days before she’d been despondent. He thought he would reach her with his proposal.
Frustrated, she’d gotten out of the car.
She jumped.
He wanted to fly.
He wanted to lift her up in his arms.
2015©Isadora DeLaVega

Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 100


To join Rochelle and her Friday Fictioneers in this challenge click here or the froggy button:


What is Depression?
Depression is a real illness that impacts the brain. Anyone suffering from depression will tell you, it’s not imaginary or “all in your head.” Depression is more than just feeling “down.” It is a serious illness caused by changes in brain chemistry. Research tells us that other factors contribute to the onset of depression, including genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions, stress, grief or difficult life circumstances. Any of these factors alone or in combination can precipitate changes in brain chemistry that lead to depression’s many symptoms. info from the Univsersity of Michigan Mental Health


For more information about depression:

World Mental Health Day October, 10, 2015 – Dignity Mental Health Foundation
University of Michigan Depression Center – Mental Health


Friday Fictioneers – Just Another Day at Work


He came in at 1:30 a.m. He’d done a 4 to midnight tour; late shift.

Sandy always waited up for him. She could never sleep when he was at work.
Baking and ironing kept her preoccupied until she’d hear the key in the door.

An enormously tight hug let her know it had been tough night. She could smell smoke in his hair.

He rambled on about the fire. Six children died. He repeated it several times. Tears flowed down his face. We couldn’t get them out. We could hear them scream. We just couldn’t get them out.

2015©isadora delavega

Genre – Flash Fiction
Word Count – 100
The challenge is to write a story in 100 words – beginning, middle and end
with the photo prompt.

Friday Fictioeers – to join in the challenge – click here


Father’s Day Musing

Father’s Day Musing

It’s Father’s Day. Today, we get to “Thank Dad’s” for all the things they do.

The truth is that my father was a harsh, brutal, cold disciplinarian. He ran his household with a military reign. He was in the army at age 16. He must have been a good soldier because his children learnt to be good ones, too. Intense physical discipline wasn’t out of the question. It could get quite bad. But, today is a day to remember Father’s in a good way. Here’s a memory that has some happy moments.

We went to the beach twice a month from May to August until I was seven years old; then, it stopped. He’d get all the food ready the night before: fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon and cool-aid. We were in charge of getting the blankets and towels.

At 5:00 a.m. we were up. Within an hour, we were scurrying to get out the door. We went to a beach on Staten Island, New York. He took the ferry over. When we’d get to the pier, I was always fearful that our car wouldn’t cross onto the ferry and we’d be floating in the water.

On the deck, we’d watch the ferry speed through the water and pass other ferries on their way back to pick up more cars waiting at the pier. The wind would blow through your hair with that early morning crisp wet mist from the splashing waves. My hair was a ball of fluff by the time we’d get there.

The beach was always deserted when we arrived.

Who gets to a beach at 7:00 a.m.?

It was clothes off and in you go. Anyone,usually me, who was afraid to go in the water was tossed in. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t swim.

“It’s time to learn”, he’d say.

Food always tasted better with sand and salt from your wet lips in every bite. Barely 11:00 a.m. we were fed and dry. Now, it was time to head home.

He seemed to enjoy those beach days. It could have been a memory from his service days. He never went to the beach as a child. He grew up on a farm. He farmed all day. He left at 15 and joined the service to get away from his new 22 year old mother. His Mother had passed away when he was 14 leaving 8 siblings for him and another brother to care for. His life wasn’t easy. He showed the anger, suffering and pain on his face all the time. After he passed away, it took years for me to understand that. I wish I had better memories. Unfortunately, I do remember the summer I spent kneeling on bathroom tile for 3 hours every day as penance for bad behavior. I haven’t gone to that emotional place yet.

Strangely, I don’t resent him. I do love him in a distant kind of way. I feel that many of the things he taught me have been positives in my life. I maintain a very clean household. I can cook masterfully. I enjoy the arts, reading, culture and religion because he expected us to know all of them. I’ve been a disciplined hard worker all of my life both as a mother and as a business woman. He did the best he could with the skills he had.

I thank and bless him for the life he gave me. I hope that he is happy with his Mother in heaven.

Happy Father’s Day Dad …!!!

What is the Best Time you ever had With Your Dad?