Inside the Mind of Isadora


Nurture Yourself – Ignite the Light

Kindness is igniting a LIGHT in someone for no REASON

other then to WATCH them enjoy the GLOW 

Namaste, Isadora 🙏


I honor the place in you

in which the entire universe dwells.

I honor the place in you

which is of Love, and of Truth,

of Light and of Peace.

When you are in that place in you


 Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea 

hosts Nurturing Thursday … to join click here


Nurture Yourself – Be Who You Are

On occasion, we all experience something that sets us back in our emotional health. Life hands us challenges we need to meet. We’re not always able to accept challenges that make us feel excluded. But, we can give ourselves permission to be ‘Who We Are’ despite the behavior of those who decide we aren’t acceptable in their world.

                       Often, we have preconceived notions of who we should be based on our need to fit in. It may start early in our lives because we want to be liked or want to be part of the so-called in crowd. We imagine ourselves to be like others if we dress, talk and act like them. We behave and do things we normally wouldn’t do because we don’t like the feeling of being excluded. 

                                      Don’t pretend. Be who you are. You are special … 

                     It isn’t selfish to make yourself a priority. It isn’t selfish to take care of yourself. It isn’t selfish to love yourself. For in doing so, you have much more to give to others. More importantly, you’ve given yourself a far greater gift of love than anyone could ever give you. 

        Give Yourself Special love Gifts everyday …

  1. Wake in the morning and say – “Today, I love myself more than yesterday”.
  2. Dream more while you’re awake – manifesting positive dreams creates positive energy.
  3. Smile – challenge yourself to make 3 people a day smile.
  4. Place all past issues where they belong; in the past. Don’t ruin today because of them.
  5. Time heals all things, eventually. Give time – time.
  6. Don’t compare yourself to others. Their lives may not be so special.
  7. Spend time with people over 70 – they’ve experienced far more than you and can guide you.
  8. Spend more time with children under 6 – they know how to play and you’ve forgotten.
  9. No matter how you feel – get up, get dressed and be a part of the adventures of life.
  10. Live with EnergyEnthusiasm EmpathyFaith – Self-Love

                               Be the ship that travels calm waters to places that nourish you. Cruise away from places that keep you from being who you are. Bring people along with you who let you be you. Discard the others since they will only bring your ship down.

                                  Namaste, Isadora


I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca hosts Nurturing Thursday

to join in click here


*****this is a repost from February, 2012


Nurture Yourself – Be Faithful

Life is a journey full of many beautiful scenes; 

I, the soul, come to …Don’t pretend. Be who you are. You are special.

We all have a light inside, let it shine. 


I honor the place in you

in which the entire universe dwells.

I honor the place in you

which is of Love, and of Truth,

of Light and of Peace.

When you are in that place in you

and I am in that place in me.

We are One.Song – I Am Light

I am light, I am light 

I am light, I am light

I am light, 

I am not the things my family did

I am not the voices in my head

I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside

I am light, I am light 

I am light, I am light 

I am light

I’m not the mistakes that I have made 

or any of the things that caused me pain

I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind

I am light, I am light

I am light, I am light

I am light

I am not the color of my eyes

I am not the skin on the outside

I am not my age, I am not my race, 

my soul inside is all light

All light, all light

I am light

I am light, I am light 

I am light

I am divinity defined

I am the God on the inside

I am a star, a piece of it all

I am light


Nurturing Thursday



Nurture Yourself – Sitting Alone Listening to the Silence

  Friends …. It is time for me to take a brief respite.

I wanted to leave you with a nurturing post. I wrote this one in 2015.

I think the meaning is still significant.

 I will be out on the high seas gathering energy from the wind and salty air:

Listening to the Music of the waves. I leave you with a 

Nirinjan Kaur – “I Am”

Her voice is melodic. The words powerfully enlightening.

Namaste 🙏🏻

Buddist meditating
Sitting alone listening to the silence … I ponder that … today is a day like any other day.

Each day, we rise and hope to fill our lives with new and exciting discoveries.

Each of us has a different vision for what those discoveries are going to be.

In the end, despite what our own individual discoveries turn out to be, we all have to go into them in pretty much the same way. We have to rise and gather up our energy to go into whatever it is we are going to do. Some of us have an exact plan on how to do that; some of us don’t. Those that do not have an exact plan face the greatest difficulty because they have no direction.

How do we find our exact plan??? I can’t say.

Is it something we develop while we’re being raised by our parents?

Are the teachers or religious leaders of our churches part of the influence for our decisions?

Is it instinctual to know what we want to search for in our adventure to discovery?

Is it important to have a need for discovery or is it something told to us that we must do?

These are important and very difficult questions to ask ourselves. These are questions that some of us can’t answer and struggle daily to unravel. This is the puzzle of our existence.

Just pondering …. while sitting alone listening to the silence.
2015©Isadora De La Vega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.



Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea
hosts Nurturing Thursday. To join click here.


Nurture Yourself – Love is Energy

We are the sum of experiences that we encounter as we go through life. Day to day struggles and triumphs are experinced by all of the worlds creatures. As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have freedom to choose on how we react. Every decision that we make leads us down a different road. We will never come to exactly the same crossroads. Every decision that we make has significance. The tiniest choices that we make reverberates through the entire universe. ©info click here

Your heart wants tranquilty from the love you hold inside.©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One

Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea
hosts Nurturing Thursday to join in click here





Nurture Yourself – Form Nurturing Friendships

Friendships make our lives meaningful because man is a social animal and cannot survive alone. There are numerous occasions when we’ve shared joy, sorrow, happiness, and many other feelings with our friends. They’ve offered support during our ups and downs. They form a chain within our personal society.

What Is Friendship?

“One who multiplies joys, divides grief, and whose honesty is invaluable.”
“One who understands our silence.”
“A volume of sympathy bound in cloth.”
“A watch which beats true for all time and never runs down.”
“A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.”

The countless friendships in our lives help nurture us. They bring us a greater degree of exhilaration. Our friendships bring meaning to us by providing love, support and the encouragement we need to make it through difficult times. We can enjoy and celebrate these wonderful moments in life when there are special friendships making our lives complete.
Friendships are what pull us through the hard times, and make the good times meaningful. Take time to Nurture the connections that uplift you.
Are your friendships nurturing you???

Isadora  🙏
2017©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca from ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’ 
hosts Nurturing Thursday every week.
to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Accept Life’s Changes

Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint and the soil and sky as canvas. ©Elizabeth Murray

Drying roses or flowers remind us of the impermanence of life.
Our bodies and mind change over the years.
We become weaker. Our health declines despite our efforts.
But, there can be beauty at every stage of our lives.
Mother Nature provides great lessons about these stages
if we’re willing to see them.

Flowers wilt as they age. The petals become brittle. The colors fade.
When the time has come for precious flowers to leave us,
they play a symphony of shades of various colors for us to further enjoy.
Too often our fear of endings grasps our emotions.
We banish them to the disposable world
and, their beauty ends too soon.
Focus on the beauty of life’s changes.
Inevitably, we are all ephemeral.

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

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Becca hosts Nurturing Thursday
to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Find Clarity in Nature

sunset-sailwebYour brain functions better when you do things outdoors.

Is there anything more invigorating than a walk in the park or a visually pleasing outdoor area?

Gardening, walking on the beach and exercising outdoors, all contribute to positive thinking and clarity.

Exercise in the open air with the warmth of the sun, the sound of birds singing in the trees and a light breeze blowing through your hair can raise your levels of happiness. It revives the soul. Looking at natures scenery while noticing its beauty all have an effect on our emotions and bring us peace of mind.

Negative ions which have been found in particles near waterfalls, river rapids and in breaking waves at the beach can act as a natural anti-depressants, according to a study conducted at Columbia University.

Today, take a little time to nurture yourself with some time outdoors. Find clarity with all the beauty before you. Unpleasant thoughts will fade away and you’ll feel energized enough to face anything before you.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Peace of Mind

One day Buddha was walking from town to town with his disciples. After a short walk they happened upon a lake.

Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Get me some water from that lake.”

The disciple walked up to the lake and noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water. He also saw a bullock cart crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, turbid.

The disciple returned and told Buddha “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.”

An hour passed.

Again, Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink.

The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time, he found that the lake had clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above looked fit to drink. He collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

Buddha looked at the water; then, he looked up at the disciple and said, “Do you see what you did to make the water clear?”

“You let the lake be and the mud settled down on its own. You were able to get clear water.”

“Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen effortlessly.”

Buddha says having ‘peace of mind’ is an effortless process. When there is peace inside you, that peace permeates to the outside. It spreads around you and to your the environment.

Namaste, Isadora

2017©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Becca from ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’ hosts Nurturing Thursday

to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Realizing Who You Are

nurutre-yourself-1024a-beige-webAs I come to the end of another year of nurturing, I am aware of how blessed
I’ve been to have traveled this past year with so many who’ve been
walking beside me.

We must never stop writing our own story. It helps us to be present.
It’s a gift we give to our nurturing selves.
All of the painful layers we’ve carefully peeled away this year have helped us
become attuned with our emotional selves.

I’ve looked in the mirror.
I’ve seen myself.
My expectations have far exceeded what I ever thought.
I am pleased. But, there is always room to grow for a better story.

Have you met your expectations this year?
If not, do whatever you have to do to be YOU
~ You want to Be ~
Be in your own story.

In Love and Light ….
Namaste, Isadora

2016©Isadora DeLaVega


I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


The most destructive habit: Worry.
The greatest gift: Giving.
The greatest loss: Loss of Self-respect.
The most satisfying work: Helping others.
The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness.
The most endangered species: Dedicated leaders.
The greatest natural resource: Our youth.
The greatest ‘Shot-in-the-Arm’: Encouragement.
The greatest problem to overcome: Fear.
The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of mind.
The most crippling failure disease: Excuses.
The world’s most incredible computer: The Brain.
The most dangerous pariah: A gossiper.
The most powerful source in life: Love.
The most powerful source in life: Love.
The most powerful source in life: Love.
The most powerful source in life: Love.
The most powerful source in life: Love.
The worst thing to be without: Hope.
The deadliest weapons: The tongue.
The two most power-filled words: I Can.
the greatest asset: Faith.
The most worthless emotion: Self-pity.
The most beautiful attire: A Smile.
The most prized possession: Integrity.
The most powerful channel of communication: Prayer.
The most contagious spirit: Enthusiasm.
The most important thing in life:
Realizing who we are.
©Rab Adamson


Becca hosts Nurturing Thursday
to join in click here


Sunday Song – Autumn in my Heart

nurutre-yourself-lavender-grasses-webAs the last days of Autumn wind-down, I post the last song for the season.

Autumn and Spring are my favorite seasons.

Memories of the enchanting colorful changes painted by Mother Nature are beguiling.

Enjoy this enthralling video of artwork from Mother Nature.

It’s a peacefully quiet video that will visually transfix you.


I photographed these grasses while on a recent walk in my neighborhood.

They were delicate pink stems blowing in the wind.

They seemed to be dancing in delight.

Have a Serene Sunday ❤️

Isadora 😎

2016©Isadora DeLaVega