Inside the Mind of Isadora


A Quiet Respite

sunset-sailwebBlog Friends  ….

It is time for me to take a brief respite. I will be out on the high seas gathering energy from the wind and salty air. I’ll be listening to the music of the waves.

I wanted to leave you with a peaceful image of the ocean. I think in one of my previous lives I must have been a sailor. I love being out on the water.

Perhaps, it’s because of my astrology sign. I’m a cancer which is a water sign and is represented by the crab. I’m renewed while receiving abundant energy from the ocean. 

I’ll be without technology of any kind. I’ll be writing, reading and contemplating on expanding my knowledge of how to create a more peaceful journey for my life. 

Your posts brighten my day. I look forward to them. I believe you’re exceptional bodies of work will be the greatest loss while I’m away. Many, many of you are very talented and post the most incredibly meaningful stories and photographs I delight in seeing and reading.

Please feel free to make me aware of your extraordinary posts so I can read them. 

In my absence, if you’d like to catch up on my stories or poetry feel free to visit and enjoy. If you leave your insightful and thoughtful comments, I can assure you I will get to each and every one of them.

I leave you with the most precious gift … LOVE  😍

Isadora 😎




Nurture Yourself – Unplug

Almost everything will work again, if you Unplug for a few minutes, including You!


This post is about taking time to Unplug from the daily pressure of trying to keep up with social media. We fool ourselves into thinking that we have a grip on how much time we spend on our computers or smart phones but we do not. Our concerns for missing something that we believe is important for us to know prevents us from seeing the addiction. Communication has broken down between people.

For example:

I was having dinner at a restaurant before a play my husband was taking me to see for my birthday in July. It’s a lovely Japanese Restaurant with delicious food, sushi and furnished with traditional japanese paintings and decor.

A family of four came in and were seated at the next table beside ours. Shortly after getting their menu’s and ordering, they all grabbed their phones and focused on the screens before them. Sadly, they did that the entire time they were eating. No conversation occurred during the entire hour they sat at the table. After the father paid for the check, they got up and left.

Are we unable to leave media behind during a short one hour of eating?

Technology has given us many benefits. We can skype family in other states. We can talk and see members of our family during times when traveling isn’t possible. Being able to research subjects or learn on-line is a phenomenal tool; but, somethings been lost. We need to find it soon. Our children are missing many things they could experience from their parents or extended families. They’re lost by a mesmerizing screen that is constantly calling them.

Will this one day be an addiction like drugs and alcohol?

I hope not. Perhaps, finding a middle road for all to be happy can be a topic of conversation: at dinner?


Isadora 🙏🏻



I honor the place in you

in which the entire universe dwells.

I honor the place in you

which is of Love, and of Truth,

of Light and of Peace.

When you are in that place in you

Becca @ ‘On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea’

hosts Nurturing Thursday – to join in click here





Nurture Yourself – Ignite the Light

Kindness is igniting a LIGHT in someone for no REASON

other then to WATCH them enjoy the GLOW 

Namaste, Isadora 🙏


I honor the place in you

in which the entire universe dwells.

I honor the place in you

which is of Love, and of Truth,

of Light and of Peace.

When you are in that place in you


 Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea 

hosts Nurturing Thursday … to join click here


Nurture Yourself – Visually Focus

We need to empty our mind and visualize ourselves as being completely barren of all thoughts.

Our old insecurities, judgments and beliefs won’t want to leave. They’re comfortable. But, they’re the thoughts that keep repeating all the negative things we were told while growing up or have experienced now which are holding us back.

Let your negative thoughts float away like feathers. They’ve been taking up important real estate. Your high priced district has been constantly going down. These negative thoughts haven’t helped you so far. They never will. They’re meaningless feelings doing all they can to make you feel burdened and worthless.

Gather new down soft feathers. They’re fluffy and white. They have the new, real you, in them. The happy, positive, creative person you could be; if those negative thoughts weren’t there. If they weren’t there dragging you down with their heavy demands, you’d have the energy to succeed in whatever you choose to do.

Begin to visualize that you’re extraordinarily special, unique and remarkable. Only then, will you be able to feel the peaceful tranquility in you.


2018©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

Daily Thought – Seize every day as an adventure and your spirit will soar when you discover the wonderful surprises life has to offer.


Becca from On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea – hosts Nurturing Thursday every week
to join in click here


*****Video by Feather on the Wind by John Adorney


Nurture Yourself – Live your Little Mercies

Compassion and forgiveness are the little mercies
we need to develop while walking through our paths of nurturing.

Recently, I read a book called Little Mercies. It’s the journey of a small child who experiences a great many trials at a very tender age when most children are enjoying and innocently playing with friends and toys. The quote is from the book by Heather Gundenkauf. This child’s social worker is faced with an unspeakable tragedy she’s unable to cope with. Her mother tries to comfort her with these words.

Throughout our lives we’re faced with tragedies far greater than we ever could imagine living or coping with. Somehow, we find a strength deep inside that wraps its arms around us to help us manage to place one foot in front of the other.

   All of the painful layers we’ve carefully peeled away, have helped us get attuned with our emotional selves.

We must never stop writing our own story of little mercies. It helps us to be present.
It’s a gift we give to our nurturing selves.

In Love and Light,
Isadora 🙏

2018©Isadora DeLaVega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

Becca hosts Nurturing Thursday
to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Seek Peaceful Serenity

Because of our daily stress filled lives, especially during the hectic holiday festivities, we need to create a quietly calm and peacefully still place where we can feel tranquil serenity.

Our imagination can help us with this very difficult task of relaxing by providing us with the ability to dream of magical places. I love to imagine a garden of flowers filled with every imaginable color and shape. It’s an image that can make anyone smile.

What about a snow covered mountain or forest? Snow blankets on the slumbering earth. The sun sparkling on the hanging icicles of a cold winters day.

Peaceful thoughts of hearts filled with quiet calm because we could all be one. No labels, no issues, no hostility, no anger. Just wonderful love for all no matter who they may be.

Nurturing yourself at the end of a day helps you achieve an untroubled placid sleep for better health.

If people could be serenely still they would see a positive spin in their life’s situation. Sitting in quiet contemplation, without negative thoughts towards themselves and others can be transforming.

Can you imagine a place of serenity?

In Love and Light
Isadora 🙏🏻

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.

Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea
hosts Nurturing Thursday – to join click here


The video above was posted on the blog – A Frank Angle
to read it click here

******Photos from Google Images


Nurture Yourself – with – Natures Beauty

Have you ever been in a room filled with people at an event or a dinner party

or work or simply shopping,

where your eyes were drawn to someone,

somewhere in the room.

It’s because that person’s inner light shining brightly.

We can all be the bright light of spiritual illumination.

Look at the inner light of nature.

Feel it … Wear it … Be it !!!



I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea
hosts Nurturing Thursday to join in click here


Nurture Yourself – Enjoy Every Moment

Because the season of Autumn is upon us,

the changing foliage reminds us of the changes

we must make throughout our lives.

Every petal, leaf or bark shed

is a layer we shed on our own journey

to our final destination.

Relish in the colors of our lives.
Namaste, Isadora

2017©Isadora De La Vega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca, hosts Nurturing Thursday.

If you’d like to join in – click here


Nurture Yourself – Serenity in Nature

The hazy, lazy days of summer took hold of me and I did not resist. But, I’m back. I hope to add some of the special events I attended along with my birthday cruise experiences soon. I’m rejuvenated and ready to post some of the exciting things I did while absent from my blog. My last entry was a Nurture Yourself  post. Click on the words if you missed it. I thought I’d begin my posts again with Nurture Yourself even if it’s a repost from last September. It’s a way of getting myself back into the writing mood.

Thank you to those bloggers who continued to pop over to see what I was up to.  Isadora 🙏🏻
Nurture natures-hidden-beauty

S – Starting today
E – Everything is going to be all right
P – Pausing to listen
T – To nature all around
E – Even when I’m feeling down
M – My heart will be open
B – Because life is incredible
E – Each and everyday
R – Regardless of what’s handed my way.

September Nurturing in many words …

In Love and Light, Isadora 

poem2016©Isadora DeLaVega

Autumn - friday challengeNature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty. John Ruskin

 ♥ GIOVANNI MARRADI – Just for you ♥

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.


Becca hosts Nurturing Thursday.

to join in click here

Tom’s September’s Theme – Serenity

to join in click here


****Google Images

****Limited time has forced me to re-blog an older post.

****For those who havent’ seen it …. ENJOY !!!

****For those who have seen it …. ENJOY !!!


Nurture Yourself – Sitting Alone Listening to the Silence

  Friends …. It is time for me to take a brief respite.

I wanted to leave you with a nurturing post. I wrote this one in 2015.

I think the meaning is still significant.

 I will be out on the high seas gathering energy from the wind and salty air:

Listening to the Music of the waves. I leave you with a 

Nirinjan Kaur – “I Am”

Her voice is melodic. The words powerfully enlightening.

Namaste 🙏🏻

Buddist meditating
Sitting alone listening to the silence … I ponder that … today is a day like any other day.

Each day, we rise and hope to fill our lives with new and exciting discoveries.

Each of us has a different vision for what those discoveries are going to be.

In the end, despite what our own individual discoveries turn out to be, we all have to go into them in pretty much the same way. We have to rise and gather up our energy to go into whatever it is we are going to do. Some of us have an exact plan on how to do that; some of us don’t. Those that do not have an exact plan face the greatest difficulty because they have no direction.

How do we find our exact plan??? I can’t say.

Is it something we develop while we’re being raised by our parents?

Are the teachers or religious leaders of our churches part of the influence for our decisions?

Is it instinctual to know what we want to search for in our adventure to discovery?

Is it important to have a need for discovery or is it something told to us that we must do?

These are important and very difficult questions to ask ourselves. These are questions that some of us can’t answer and struggle daily to unravel. This is the puzzle of our existence.

Just pondering …. while sitting alone listening to the silence.
2015©Isadora De La Vega

I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of Love, and of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me.
We are One.



Becca at On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea
hosts Nurturing Thursday. To join click here.